football stadium and back to the droning English professor. They made small talk as they finished their lunch. Ten minutes later, Cody was collecting his taco wrappers when his cell phone rang.
    “Hello?” He stood and walked toward the trashcan.
    “Cody Coleman?” The voice was loud and distinct.
    “Yes, sir?”
    “Cody, this is Edwin Baylor, athletic director at Oaks Christian School, Thousand Oaks, California. Got your number from Jim Flanigan of the Indianapolis Colts.” He spoke fast, his words choppy bursts. “I hope that’s not a problem. Getting your number, calling you on your cell.”
    “No, sir. It’s not a problem.” Cody took a few steps away from the table where DeMetri sat watching him. Oaks Christian? The school was one of the most well known in the country. Its student body included the kids of several famous actors and athletes.
    A group of loud students entered the outdoor area. Cody covered his free ear as Edwin Baylor continued. “Listen, our football coach stepped down last week. Taking an early retirement.” A frustrated huff of air blew through Cody’s phone. “The fact is we’ve really tanked these last few years. The kids are rich and lazy and complacent and we need … well, we need what you brought to that Lyle team. I figure you’re committed out there, not looking to move.” He came up for a quick breath. “But the fact is you’re top of our list. We’d love you to at least consider the position.”
    Cody released a bewildered laugh as he glanced back at DeMetri. His player had gathered his lunch wrappers and was halfway back from the trashcan to the table. He shot Cody a curious glance, and Cody held up his hand, letting the kid know he wouldn’t be long. “Wow … yes, sir. I can certainly consider it.” He paused. “Do you have a time frame, a date when you need to know by?”
    “Good question. Actually, I haven’t thought about that. By the end of the semester, I guess. Our strength coach is running spring training with the boys. The decision with our former coach came rather quickly.”
    “I understand.” Cody’s mind raced. “I can tell you if I’m interested by the end of the week. Then we can go from there.”
    “Perfect.” The man sounded optimistic. “You’ve got my number. Call me when you know something.” Edwin thanked him again. “I think this school really needs you, Cody. Our team will be praying.”
    The call ended and Cody turned to find DeMetri, his brow raised, eyes curious. “Who was that?” The kid stood and met Cody halfway. “What are you certainly gonna consider, Coach?”
    Cody slipped his hands into his back pockets and motioned for DeMetri to walk with him. “I’m not sure I’m supposed to stay at Lyle. Like maybe God is leading me somewhere else.”
    “What?” DeMetri rarely sounded angry. But this was one of those times. “You’re not leaving us, Coach. Not after I prayed for you to come to Lyle.” He stopped and stared at Cody, his eyes narrowed. “You’re
coach. Those other schools, they can find their own guy.”
    They were out in front of DeMoss Hall on a shady tree-lined pathway. “Smitty, sometimes God calls us to a place and time for a season.” He stopped and looked around at the grand campus. “You’re leaving Lyle because God is calling you here. But you won’t be here forever.” He put his hand on DeMetri’s shoulder. “It’s that way for all of us.”
    For a few seconds, anger framed Smitty’s face and tension made the muscles in his arms tight. Then slowly the fight left him, and his shoulders relaxed. “The guys need you, Coach.”
    “They need each other.” There was another detail Cody hadn’t shared. “The team doesn’t know this … but I talked with Coach Schroeder. His son starts high school this year, and Schroeder’s crazy about the idea of being head coach. Something he’s prayed and dreamed about since the boy was born.”
    DeMetri thought for a long moment. “Coach

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