Loving Ean (The Fae Guard Book 2)
stalks toward the door. Before she crosses the threshold, she throws a parting thought my way. “Your regret is misplaced, Ean. You should be regretting how you tarnished this, instead of the fact that it happened. I have no regrets.” Without another glance my way, she leaves, taking my heart with her, leaving me an empty shell.

HOW IN THE WORLD did I fall in love with such a jackass?
    I toss my purse on my bed and take off my clothes as I make my way to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and while the water is heating up, I face the mirror and study myself. Just great. My hair is a wild mess, my lips are swollen and pink, and my nipples are red and surrounded by scruff marks. I’ve got that “freshly fucked” look.
    No wonder Brannon had been giving me strange looks on the way home. I’d gone to the bar with him, so I needed him to take me home. He’d been drinking ice water since he was driving, but it is clear that he wished it was something stronger as he watched Hayleigh playing pool, laughing and joking around with several guys, including Kendrix. When I mentioned leaving, he tore his eyes away from her and looked me over, before glancing toward the back. Then he just nodded, handed me my coat from the stool, and started for the door. Once we were in the car, Brannon seemed like he wanted to say something, but he’d simply turned back and started the car. I was sure he’d seen Ean pull me to the back, but he didn’t comment on it, and we drove back in silence. Although, he did throw me an odd glance from time to time. It should probably embarrass me that Brannon knew what we were up to, but I just couldn’t find it in myself to care. I suppose it was stupid of me to hope this would change anything. How many times am I going to let him break my heart?
    Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You wanted it and you knew the risk. It’s done, and it was unbelievably amazing.
    I nod at myself after the little pep talk. I’m not going to let that stubborn jerk ruin it.
    Before I step into the shower, I inhale deeply, enjoying Ean’s scent on my skin. The smell of fresh soap mixed with his cologne wraps itself around me and I can almost feel his hands all over me again. A part of me is reluctant to wash it away, but my head knows I need to put this behind me.

    I got a text from Ean last night, telling me he would be home today and wanted to talk. He had diligently avoided me for two weeks after our night at the bar. He was hiding out in the human realm, the coward. I wanted to smack him upside the head for being such a child, but I’d have to see him first, wouldn’t I?
    Finally, one night, he’d been forced to see me; the day Aden had arrived with Shaylee. We’d spent the evening at my parent’s house. It was awkward with a side of uncomfortable. Our house was full of family and friends, giving Ean yet another opportunity to avoid me. It’s not like I wanted to have an emotional talk about where we were going and what he felt for me. I was pretty clear on that subject. But, we needed to find some way to be around each other, it was unavoidable with our group being so tight. For the love of Fate, we are in our seventies. We should be beyond this kind of high school bullshit.
    Imagine my surprise when the next day he was gone on assignment.
    Apparently, he’ll be back tonight and now he wants to talk. If I was a petty person, I’d brush him off because turnabout is fair play. But, I refuse to sink to his level. So we’ll hash things out tonight.
    I’ve spent the day with Shaylee, moving forward on her training after a couple of days with just Aden. She is funny as hell and I love her already. She walked into the gym wearing a t-shirt that said: Do not read this sentence. You little rebel. I like you. It cracked me up and broke the ice between us even further.
    She’s been picking up everything I’m teaching her pretty quickly and I’m very impressed. Although, she could use a little more focus when Aden is

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