Loving Gigi

Loving Gigi by Ruth Cardello Page A

Book: Loving Gigi by Ruth Cardello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Cardello
Tags: Fiction
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planned a much more diplomatic approach. He’d chosen his words carefully, mentally outlined how he would guide her toward agreeing to go back with him. In his head, he’d imagined a civil conversation.
    Not the he-man, chest-pounding I’m-taking-you-back-to-the-States-whether-you-fight-me-or-not declaration he’d made.
    His mother would have boxed him in the ears if she ever heard him speak that way. He would have done worse had he heard someone speak that way to his sister. Still, something had snapped within him when she’d moved to close the door in his face.
    Something primal and wild.
    He had come for her, and he’d decided in that moment he wasn’t leaving without her. She would fly back to meet her brothers, and he would take whatever he felt around her and deny, deny, deny the shit out of it.
    That’s what men do when their cock decides it likes their best friend’s sister.
    “Do you have a plan?” Leora asked, bringing Kane back to their conversation.
    It was odd talking about it with Gigi’s mother, and Kane gave her a guilty, somewhat sheepish, smile. “Not really.”
    Leora smiled, and he could see where Gigi’s beauty came from. Even in her sixties, she was elegant, stunning. It should have surprised him that she was on his side, but it matched what Gio and Julia had told him about her. Fiercely loyal to her daughter and the memory of the man she’d loved. “I like you, Kane. You’re strong. My Gio was like you. He didn’t make excuses for who he was, but when he loved, he loved with all his heart. Gigia needs to forgive him. She sees everything as good or bad. Forgivable or inexcusable. It’s not good for her. I live my life the best I can and leave the judging up to God. I don’t think Gigia will ever be happy until she learns to do the same.”
    Kane nodded, but only because he wasn’t sure what to say in the face of such raw honesty.
    “And she’s stubborn, my Gigia. Just like her father. She misses him still, you know. It’s why she hates coming here. She thinks I don’t understand, but I do. It’s why I make her come here ever year for my birthday. I miss him, too, and I will not let him be forgotten. He loved us too much for me to let that happen.”
    Kane looked away, moved by Leora’s words and uncomfortable at the same time. He didn’t want to see Gigi as someone who needed him. After he convinced her to see her brothers, it was his intention to never see her again. He cleared his throat and brought the subject back to a safer topic. “Gigia is a beautiful name. Why doesn’t she use it?”
    “She doesn’t want to be Venetian. Sometimes I think she doesn’t want to be my daughter. I don’t know which breaks my heart more. When I was child I used to make wishes on candles and keep them secret, believing that only then would they come true. I have learned since that very little happens if you don’t make it known. Please convince my Gigia to go with you to the States. She needs to know her brothers. And if I can impose one additional request—bring her back to me one day. All the way back, as my proud little Venetian.” Leora wiped a tear from her cheek and reached for a tissue. “I’m sorry. I’m making you uncomfortable.”
    Kane leaned forward and took one of Leora’s hands in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. He was both touched and overwhelmed by her request. Yes, his family often fearlessly got involved before their assistance was requested, but not with anything on this scale. “If it were in my power, I would do both for you today. I’ll do my best to get her back to the States. That’s all I can promise.”
    Leora sniffed and gave his hand a pat. “Thank you.” She stood. “I’m going to retire to my room now. Good luck with my daughter, Kane.” She walked to the door and stopped just before it, looking back over her shoulder as she said, “And tell Julia she chose well.”

Chapter Six
    G igi slammed three espresso cups onto the tray with the

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