Loving Gigi

Loving Gigi by Ruth Cardello

Book: Loving Gigi by Ruth Cardello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ruth Cardello
Tags: Fiction
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It’s time to stop hiding, Luisella .”
    Gigi’s face went hot with a blush. “I’m not hiding.” She gave the door a slight push, but he held it firmly in place. “And I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
    “Who’s at the door, Gigia?” Leora called from the stairway.
    “No one,” Gigi answered over her shoulder and gave the door another shove. “Just a salesman peddling something we don’t want.”
    “Oh, I was hoping it was . . .” Leora’s voice rose happily when she saw who her daughter was blocking from entering. She paid no attention to the obvious battle ensuing and said, “Kane! Come in. Julia told me you might drop by.”
    “Leora, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” The smug look he shot Gigi made her want to slam the door in his face, but her mother was already at her side, welcoming him.
    “I’ve heard so many stories about you through Gio that I feel I know you. Come in. You must be tired from traveling. Gigia, could you make some espresso for everyone?”
    Gigi let the door swing wide open. “I’d love to,” she answered with heavy sarcasm.
    Kane stepped inside and gave her mother a quick kiss on each cheek. “I hope I’m not intruding.”
    Her mother dismissed the idea with a wave of her hand. “Company is the best birthday present.”
    Kane met Gigi’s eyes, but directed his next comment to her mother. “I’m here to take Gigi back to the United States to meet her brothers.”
    “I know,” her mother said, sounding pleased with the idea. “Do you think you’re up to the task?”
    Gigi’s mouth fell open in shock. “Do either of you care that I can hear you?”
    Kane turned his attention back to Leora as if Gigi hadn’t spoken. “When I set my mind to do something, I never fail.”
    “It won’t be easy,” Leora warned with a demure smile.
    “I don’t expect it to be, but she is coming with me.”
    Finding her voice again, Gigi said, “Have the two of you lost your minds? I’m not going anywhere. And, Kane, if there was the slightest chance I was going to talk to you at all, you just blew it.”
    “Gigia,” her mother scolded softly. “Where are you manners? Please go make the espresso.”
    With an infuriating slight smile on his face, Kane said, “Gigia, what a beautiful name.”
    Standing straighter, Gigi inhaled sharply. “Don’t call me that. My name is Gigi.”
    “Gigia,” her mother scolded again, then turned and linked arms with Kane, leading him toward the parlor. “It’s a good thing you’re here, Kane. She could use a strong influence in her life. Since my Gio died, she’s been lost, and I thought if I gave her time she would find her way back. But I don’t know what to do with her anymore.”
    Gigi stood just where they’d left, replaying the last few minutes in her head. Why would her brothers send a friend instead of coming for her themselves? And why were her mother and a man she’d met only once in her life talking about her as if they were on the same side?
    In all of her life no man had ever spoken to her as arrogantly as Kane had. She hated to admit how hearing him talk that way had sent flames of desire licking through her. He was a man who knew what he wanted and would stop at nothing to get it.
    And he wanted her.
    Although, not the way she was picturing.
    No, this is just my luck. Mr. Zing finally arrives, and all he wants to do is lecture me again.
    *     *     *
    Kane sat with Leora in the parlor making polite conversation, but all he could think about was how seeing Lui—Gigi—had felt.
    He remembered everything, right down to his desire to throw all sense to the wind and fuck her without regard for consequence or loyalty. He wouldn’t, of course. At the end of the day she was his best friend’s little sister and would always be off limits, but that didn’t make whatever was between them less powerful.
    He groaned inwardly as he remembered how he’d spoken to her. On the long flight over, he’d

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