Lucy's Wolverine (Lilly Town Shifters)

Lucy's Wolverine (Lilly Town Shifters) by Bobbie Palmer

Book: Lucy's Wolverine (Lilly Town Shifters) by Bobbie Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobbie Palmer
really give him anything because of his metabolism. It wouldn't do any good.
                  “Okay, I'm going to be in the living room. If you need anything, just call me,” Lucy said, never taking her eyes off Mike. She was really worried about him. It showed that she was a good person, but she still didn't really know him.
                  “Thanks. I do need to wash up. Where's your bathroom?” Bill asked. He knew she wasn't talking to him, but he still needed to get cleaned up. He didn't want infection to set in because he couldn't wash his hands.
                  “Right through that door,” she said, pointing to a door across the room. Good, he wouldn't have to go far. He wanted to get this taken care of as quickly as he could.
                  Lucy watched Bill walk into the bathroom. She didn't like him very much. He didn't have to be crude; he could have just asked her to leave. She just wanted Mike to be okay. Was that so wrong?
                  “How are you holding up?” she asked Mike.
                  “I'm good, for someone who was just shot,” he answered, closing his eyes. She could tell he was really hurting.
                  “Can Bill give you something for the pain?” she asked.
                  “No. It doesn't work on me.”
                  Huh? That was odd. “Can I get you anything?” she asked. She was feeling helpless. She needed to do something, anything, to help him.
                  “I'm okay.”
                  “So, do you know why you were shot?” she asked.
                  “Someone didn't like my pretty face?” he said with a small smile, his eyes still closed.
                  “Very funny, but when you're feeling better, you need to explain what happened,” she said sternly.
                  “I know.”
                  “Okay, well, hold on to something, and no dying or anything,” she said, walking up to him and kissing his forehead.
                  “Thank you,” he said.
                  “For what?”
                  “For helping me. For being here. For everything,” he said, looking into her eyes.
                  She smiled and said, “No problem. Just don't do it again. I don't like seeing injured, naked men in my back yard.”
                  “But you don't mind seeing naked men there?” he asked jokingly.
                  “You know what I mean. No more getting shot here,” she said with a smile.
                  “I'll try my best,” he answered with a small smile before closing his eyes again.
                  Bill came back out and said, “Lucy, I'm going to start. He will scream, I'm telling you now. I don't want you coming in here and trying to rescue him. I have to get the bullet out.”
                  “Okay. Can you just let me know when you're done? I'd like to see him when you are,” she said as she walked toward the door.
                  “I can do that,” Bill said, and put on some gloves.
                  Lucy walked out of the room and went directly to her desk. She didn’t think she’d get any writing done, but she could try. She needed to keep her mind off of what was going on in her guest bedroom. Turning on some music, she opened her E-mail. She knew she was getting behind on them, and maybe some were important enough to keep her mind occupied. When she clicked open the first one, she heard Mike screaming. Maybe he would pass out? She couldn’t stand the thought of him being in pain.
                  The screaming continued for ten minutes before it just stopped. Over the past hour, she’d wanted to go check on him, to make sure he was still alive, but she knew she couldn’t. Mike trusted Bill, so she

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