Lure of the Jaguar: Hades' Carnival, Book 7
in his life forever.
    And when he said forever, he meant it. Immortality made that a very real possibility.
    Neither of them spoke on the drive from her cabin to the one where he was currently living. He’d called on some of his power to clothe himself on the drive over. Not all the way, but he was now wearing a pair of leather pants. He figured it was the least he could do. He probably should have done it sooner, except there was a part of him that liked the way she looked at him when he was naked. In spite of her best efforts, he knew her gaze had kept coming back to his bare chest time and time again, and lower.
    Even now, his cock was swollen with need. It went beyond the mere physical. No other woman would do. Only Toni.
    She pulled the rental car to a stop in front of the cabin and turned off the ignition. The light was on over the door. He’d remembered to use his powers to turn it on just before they turned into the driveway. The silence grew even louder.
    Stavros sighed, opened his door and climbed out. What he had to tell her wasn’t going to be easy for her to understand or accept. In fact, it might have her reaching for her phone to contact the authorities. And while that wouldn’t be a problem in the long run—not with his powers fully restored and the money he now possessed—it would be a nuisance.
    Toni slammed her car door shut, not bothering to get her bags from the trunk. “You finally ready to tell me what this is all about?” She brought up short and stared at his legs. “You’re wearing pants.” It came out like an accusation.
    “I thought it would make you more comfortable.”
    She shook her head. “Where did you get pants?” Her voice rose with each word she spoke. “This night just keeps getting crazier.” She threw her hands in the air. “I mean, first there are three men who want to either kill or kidnap me for some unknown reason. Then I see a gigantic jaguar, which is impossible. Then you’re there, totally naked, in the same place the jaguar was only moments before. Furthermore, you seem to know the unknown man who wants to harm me.” Her chest was heaving by the time she finished her rant. Her hands were balled into fists by her sides and her entire body trembled.
    He thought about reaching out to her but figured she wouldn’t want him touching her right about now. She was right. This was a lot for her to take in. It was a lot for anyone. And it was all his fault for paying special attention to her.
    “I’m an immortal shapeshifting warrior.” Better to get that out upfront.
    Her blue eyes widened and she took a step back. “Ah, okay.” She reached into her back pocket and then stopped. Looking resigned, she took another step toward the car.
    Stavros figured either she’d forgotten her phone, it wasn’t charged or she couldn’t get cell service out here. Either way, he was grateful. “I’m not crazy,” he assured her.
    She nodded but didn’t look convinced.
    He raked his hands through his hair, knowing what he was about to do might send her running and screaming into the night. He reached for the opening of his pants to remove them and then decided what the hell. He imagined them gone and they were. Once again, he was naked before her.
    “How did you do that?” Her mouth was open and she was staring at his blatant arousal. His cock flexed beneath her heated perusal.
    “I can do all kinds of things,” he told her. “And I wasn’t lying when I told you I was a shapeshifting warrior.” He turned around so she could see the tattoo that graced his back. “I am the jaguar, and it is me.”
    Facing her once again, he spread his arms wide. “Watch.” He embraced the changed and allowed the jaguar to slide from inside him. His body became long and lean. His head reshaped and his jaw elongated. Huge fangs sprang from his gums. Sleek fur took the place of skin and paws replaced hands and feet. The man was gone, replaced by the jaguar.
    Stavros faced Toni. She was

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