Madeleine Strays: A Wife-Watching Romance

Madeleine Strays: A Wife-Watching Romance by Max Sebastian Page A

Book: Madeleine Strays: A Wife-Watching Romance by Max Sebastian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Sebastian
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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with a brutal clunk, leaving silence, emptiness, cold.
    He was in a daze as he wondered, naked, back to the bedroom. Holding his breath as he went into the bathroom to find that little CVS bag in the medical cabinet.
    He nearly came when he saw that she’d removed three condoms from that big purple box.

    He settled himself, at last, with the thought that she wasn’t going on her date just yet. She was working an entire shift at the bookstore first. It didn’t stop the apprehension, the nerves, making his hands all clammy and his stomach churn so much that lunch was a write-off. Yet it kept him from becoming the gibbering wreck he’d been immediately after she’d left for work wearing that insane version of business chic.
    It was difficult not to keep reminding himself that somewhere out there in New York was a guy waiting to take Madeleine out for dinner, and then sleep with her. When his thoughts started turning in that direction, he either had to wait a moment and ride out the wave of fear and excitement, or find some quick distraction.
    He had a rare day to himself lined up, and to start with that was a daunting prospect. He could probably have called Lowego or Davis—or even Ray of all people—to see what they were doing, to see if they wanted to hang out, during the day or in the evening. But he felt safer to keep on his own, he didn’t want any secrets slipping out because his emotions were raw.
    He went out to traipse around the record store on E 3rd Street, Hospital Productions, even though he could shop for music or DVDs perfectly well at home.
    He went to the gym again, a little forceful exercise taking his mind off things until Madeleine’s personal trainer came in with a young redhead. Hugo’s mind right back on the fact that Madeleine could very well be engaging in such intimacy that night, and more.
    A light lunch from the deli across the street from the gym had to be abandoned because of the mild nausea he felt, but then he was back at the apartment building in the early afternoon with no plans to take him through to the evening, let alone night.
    When five o’clock arrived, Hugo only had to look at the clock, and he found himself getting hard, that tingling sensation blossoming inside him, along with a chilling sense of fear that raised the hairs on the back of his neck.
    Madeleine’s date would be picking her up from the bookstore around now.
    He felt so much more extreme than he had on that first date. Maybe that first time, she’d cried wolf on so many occasions he never actually believed she’d go through with anything on her date.
    No, this time there really was more chance she’d go that step further with her potential new man. She’d been searching for this guy for weeks, carefully and diligently, as though it was some multi-billion dollar acquisition she was considering for her corporation.
    Five minutes past five, Hugo’s phone buzzed with a text message from her.
    > Hey sweetie.
    Hugo smiled, pleased she was thinking to text him at such a time. He dumped himself down on the couch, typed her a reply, which had to be suitably vague and relaxed so that he didn’t sound either frightened, over-excited or in any way controlling.
    > Hey hon, you all set?
    Her reply came back almost instantly.
    > All dressed up! Have my coat on so my co-workers can’t see what I’m wearing, in case my date comes into the store to pick me up.
    He couldn’t help but picture her in that tiny dress, and delight in the knowledge of what kind of skimpy little sheer lingerie she was wearing underneath.
    > He running late?
    > A few minutes. Traffic’s pretty bad. How you doing?
    > Pretty good—chilling at home.
    > Feeling okay about this?
    > Excited. A little nervous, but mainly excited. Hope this one works out for you :-) How you feeling?
    > Nervous, I guess. Fabian just asked if he should turn up the heat a little, he saw me shivering.
    > You’re going to have a great time.
    > Yes, I will. You

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