Magical Mayhem

Magical Mayhem by Amity Maree Page B

Book: Magical Mayhem by Amity Maree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amity Maree
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    "Are we fussing already?" he asked with a grin, and then she giggled, too. "Let's get something to eat, Megan. I'm hungry."
    "I don't want to go down and try to sit. My bottom is truly sore."
    "From those little taps?" he scoffed.
    "You have no idea of your own strength, Montague. It really hurts to sit, even on the bed."
    "I'll order room service," he said decisively, leaving the room, and wondering if she really was bruised, or trying to make him feel guilty.
    Megan smiled happily and started putting away her clothes. She still had a job, and she hoped she was forgiven. Still, there was a niggling part of her that warned she hadn't heard the last of her behavior last night. Her temper led her to behave outrageously, and while she really didn't think she could tolerate another spanking, she certainly earned one. By the time their meal arrived, she was showered, dressed, and looking presentable. The busboy set up their table in front of the window so they could look outside at the pretty day, but all she could do was eye the chairs dubiously. Did she nonchalantly pick up a pillow and place it on her seat, or simply brace herself and try to get through the meal quickly?
    "Are you truly bruised, Megan?" he asked of her when he saw her look longingly toward the throw pillows on the sofa.
    "I don't know," she answered honestly. "I couldn't see any marks when I looked, but I am sore deep inside, and it hurts to sit down."
    "Well, I feel better then," he allowed. "I wouldn't forgive myself if I bruised you so much you couldn't sit. But soreness, well, that is the purpose of a spanking, although I'll admit I am shocked you are so sore. It must be your redhead's complexion," he maintained.
    "It must be because you don't know your own strength, and because you have done nothing but spank me for one thing or another since we met! And, we just met a couple of days ago! I am sore, Montague, and I am begging you not to resort to spanking again."
    "I won't... as long as you behave yourself," he added virtuously. "I can't stand there and do nothing if you get stage fright again."
    "Yes you can!" she argued. "In fact, I insist upon it. Montague, I already hurt so much I can't stand it. I know that I misbehaved last night, out of wounded pride and temper, and I know you have every right to be upset with me... and even to insist on a punishment, but I am begging you not to spank me again right now... not at all... not even if I get sick before the performance tonight. I don't think I could handle it."
    Montague could see she was serious, and he could see that she was still expecting some form of punishment for her behavior the night before. He made a decision that he hoped he wouldn't regret, turning once again to his absent father for advice. "Very well, Megan. We'll try it your way today, provided you accept your punishment for trying to upset the show last night."
    "You are going to punish me?" she asked, knowing very well she deserved some form of correction.
    "Yes, beginning right now." He took her arm and walked her over to the table and sat her down on the chair with a thump. "You will sit here, eat your breakfast, with no complaining and no squirming, and you will remain on this chair until I tell you that you may rise."


Chapter Five

    Megan couldn't help but cry out when Montague roughly sat her on the wooden chair without a bit of warning. Her backside was so sore, and he'd decreed that it was her punishment for the way she behaved last night to sit on the chair until he told her she could get up. Megan thought it a terrible punishment and opened her mouth to tell him so, but he cut her off.
    "If you start complaining, young lady, I will give you a thorough spanking after we eat. Sitting on that chair until I give you permission to get up is my attempt to be considerate of your sore bottom, but if you push me, I'll see to it you know what a really sore behind feels like to sit upon."
    "I don't want another spanking,

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