Magical Mayhem

Magical Mayhem by Amity Maree

Book: Magical Mayhem by Amity Maree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amity Maree
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a small price to pay to control the stage fright, but then, it wasn't his butt getting spanked. He hoped he wasn't being so hard on her that she would refuse to work for him after tonight! He listened for the three minute call right outside the door and once it sounded, he put Megan on her feet and told her to compose herself. He then took her hand as he'd done earlier and they were in place when the curtain went up. It didn't take long for him to realize that he was in trouble. Megan was angry and making sure he knew it. There was no joy in performing this second show. Nope. Megan was determined to make him pay for spanking her again and letting him know it by being slow to hand him his props, forcing him to add to his patter or risk standing there like a fool.
    Megan was enjoying herself. Embarrass her, would he? Well, two could play that game! She smiled ever so sweetly and whacked him with the wand he was to take from her. In the next second the wand whacked her sore backside and burst into a floral arrangement that was breathtaking. Montague never missed a beat as he changed his patter to suit the moment. The audience was laughing hysterically, but the meaning behind his words was clear as could be to her. She needed to straighten up immediately or he was going to give tit for tat.
    Montague kept his smile in place but his dark eyes were full of warning as he looked at the stunned Megan. He had no doubt that giving her a hard stroke with the wand was verging on cruel, but the audience didn't pay good money to see them fuss at each other. She either had to behave or he was going to make her wish she did, even if it meant breaking one of his own hard and fast rules about not letting an upset on stage get to him. If she embarrassed him further, he would deal with her as she deserved.
    Megan decided to play it safe. She could always yell at him after the performance was over, and she permitted her eyes to convey that to him. Of course, Megan wasn't an angel, and she did everything possible to annoy him, as long as the audience couldn't see it. She handed him his props with a snap, or by letting go a moment too soon so that he had to quickly grab the item to keep from dropping it. Of course, she smiled sweetly throughout, and was positive the audience was unaware of her actions.
    Montague was growing angrier by the moment and it took all of his acting ability to hide it from his audience and from the brat at his side who was earning a spanking to end all spankings...! If she thought her butt was sore now, just wait until he was done with this performance. He was going to enjoy spanking her this time! The audience applauded at the end, and Montague was rewarded with the knowledge that they'd enjoyed themselves. Megan smiled and acted the part of the assistant to a tee, accepting their kudos graciously, and making sure the credit was all his. Finally, the curtain closed and their eyes met, all pretenses of 'polite' gone from their expressions.
    "I refuse to discuss your improper behavior down here!"
    Montague felt his own temper rise at her words, but the icing on top of her childish behavior was the attitude with which she uttered the words. He was not the one in the wrong and she was soon going to learn otherwise. "You may go upstairs to your room, Miss Marley, and I will deal with you once my temper has time to cool."
    "I am going to bed. Any discussion of this evening can wait until you gain some perspective." She turned on her heel and marched off, her head held high.
    It was all he could do to keep himself from going after her and taking her over his knee wherever he caught up with her! Instead, he fumed as he carefully handled his props. Who the hell did Megan Marley think she was? Her father warned him that she had a hellish temper, and his father said there was only one way to deal with a hellish temper in a woman. He'd been trying to help her, not harm her, and surely she could see that? By the time he was actually

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