Maiden Flight
the chamber and lay his head down opposite the pile of sumptuous furs and stuffed pillows that waited. Belora had never been in such a luxurious bed. She stretched and smiled as she felt Gareth come up beside her, his hands roving over her tingling body.
    “I hope you’re not too tired to make love.”
    “I don’t think I’ll ever be too tired to make love with you, Gareth. You make me feel so alive.”

Chapter Four
    Gareth looked from the dragon in his doorway to the gorgeous woman lying in his bed and realized he had never been more content. Right here he had everything he would ever need in life. His dragon partner had been the main focus of his life for so long, he had not quite realized how a mate would complete the circle. Yet Belora's presence in his room, in his bed, in his heart, made him see things in a whole new light.
    She was the woman for him. Of that he had no doubt. Now he only need convince her of it and gentle her to their ways. Life in a dragon's Lair was odd to most humans, but necessary to the nature of both the dragons and their human partners. He prayed to the Mother of All that Belora would be able to accept their ways. No doubt they were hardest on the woman involved, but the benefits were great. The old adage held true in this case—the greatest prize often demanded the greatest sacrifice.
    Gently he came down next to Belora, touching her softly, knowing she welcomed his touch, his love. It was a heady feeling. Slowly he lowered his head to her body, licking the mineral saltiness of the bathwater from her dewy skin, lapping at her much the way Kelvan had done. She was that sweet.
    “What you do to me, Gareth. I never knew…”
    He sucked her nipple into his mouth and she gasped, unable to complete her thoughts. He kept at it until she was shivering, moving on the bed sensuously. A puff of warm air from the doorway had her lifting her head to meet the jeweled gaze of the dragon, watching them.
    To warm you, Mistress. You looked cold.
    She giggled. “I wasn’t cold, Kelvan, and well you know it.”
    Gareth lifted above her, blocking her view of the dragon.
    “You don’t mind that he’s here? Truly?”
    She tilted her head as if considering. “It still seems a little weird, but I think I’m okay with it. I mean, it’s not like he’s human after all.”
    “How would you feel if he were?” Gareth’s eyes darkened.
    “You mean having another man watch us?” She shivered against him and the look in her eyes was not one of fear as she mulled over the startling thought. Her reaction gave him hope. “I don’t know. That seems weirder still. I was a virgin until this morning, Gareth. Give me some time to adjust.”
    “I know I’m rushing you, sweet. Just kick me if I go too fast, okay?” He leaned down and kissed her. “But having you here in my bed makes me think of all sorts of strange notions.” He nibbled on her neck, working his way down her body as she squirmed in pleasure. “And for the record, being watched doesn’t bother me. Quite the opposite, in fact. To have other men able to see what belongs to me – what they’ll never have – it’s a tantalizing thought.”
    She wiggled again as he neared her sex, spreading her legs with his big hands and settling himself between them. He stared down at her for a long while, slowly threading his fingers through the neat hair at the juncture of her thighs before spreading the outer lips of her pussy and touching within.
    He knew that together, he and Kelvan had healed the worst of her hurts but still he did his best to be extra gentle. He would die rather than injure this special woman, the other half of his heart. He leaned forward and took her in his mouth, swirling his tongue through her folds and right up into her channel as she cried out.
    She came almost at once as the dragon puffed warm air over them and rumbled low in his throat, reminding her of his presence in the archway, watching. Gareth rode her through the orgasm,

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