Maiden Flight
and when a long, hot tongue dipped into the water and circled her ankle, she squealed. Apparently the dragon wanted to participate. She lifted her leg as he tugged upward, then allowed him to do the same to her other leg, draping both over the lips of the massive tub on either side. She was spread before him, Gareth to her side, watching now as the dragon’s tongue returned to the hot, clear water.
    “What’s he doing?” The nervous edge was back in her voice.
    “Healing you,” Gareth whispered against her breast, just bobbing above the water. He licked her nipple and bit down as Kelvan’s tongue slipped up her passage.
    It was warm. No, it was downright hot, and large. But everywhere the long, leathery tongue touched, she felt healing fire. This was dragon energy, exciting even as it healed. She felt herself responding to the two male touches on her body – to Gareth, sucking her nipples and stroking her ass with his hands, and to Kelvan, his big dragonish tongue bringing healing to her sore tissues.
    You taste divine. No wonder Gareth enjoyed going down on you so much this afternoon. If I were human I’d live between your thighs.
    The dragon’s tongue retreated with a last, hot flick over her clit and she cried out at the stimulation. She had almost come from having a dragon heal her. Could things get any weirder?
    Apparently they could. When Gareth lifted her from the tub long moments later after washing every square inch of her body – some twice and three times – he spread her out on the warm stone floor near Kelvan’s massive head.
    “Just one more thing to be certain you’ll feel no pain from what we do together.” Gareth looked up at Kelvan and spread her thighs far apart, holding them there and spreading her wide with his hands. “Kel?”
    My pleasure.
    The dragon rumbled and brought forth a belch of smoke unlike anything she’d experienced from him before. It was vapor more than smoke and everywhere the cloud of sweet cinnamon smelling fire enveloped her, she felt a tingling not unlike magic. She realized quickly that this was the phenomenon known as the dragon’s breath. It was indeed magical, and very, very special.
    Dragons expended a great deal of energy to put forth such a healing vapor and they did not do it lightly.
    She felt euphoric as the mist faded, her skin tingling with the touch of magic and her body raring to go. It felt as if the long afternoon of loving had taken no toll whatsoever on her untried body, and she knew it was all because of Kelvan and his willingness to expend his precious magic on her wellbeing.
    She scrambled up on her knees and went over to him, uncaring of her nudity now. What difference a few minutes can make, she realized in one small part of her mind that worried over such things.
    “May I touch you?” she asked formally.
    Kelvan lifted his head and stared at her as if considering her request.
    Slowly, he nodded his great head and she moved forward to place her hands on the ridges just below his enormous eyes. Holding his jeweled gaze, she focused her own small power and sent what healing magic she could back to him. His eyes widened as Gareth stood abruptly to watch.
    You are a healer? A true healer?

    Belora shrugged and sat back. “I have only a small gift when compared with my mother, but as you know, healers cannot usually heal themselves.
    Thank you for expending your energy for me, Sir Kelvan. I hope I’ve returned at least a bit of what you gave me.”
    More than I gave, if truth be known. You have more of a gift than you realize. Your energy has the flavor of dragons.
    She yawned and shrugged, setting her pretty breasts to bouncing and she noted both males watched their movement attentively.
    “It’s time for bed.”
    Gareth scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the sleeping chamber. All the arched doorways in the large suite of rooms were wide so Kelvan could lay his head down right in the middle of them. He followed them right into

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