Make-Believe Marriage

Make-Believe Marriage by Dill Ferreira Page A

Book: Make-Believe Marriage by Dill Ferreira Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dill Ferreira
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going out with? - He asked without answering her
    - He is a man like few. He
is a friend and is always there when I need him. He treats me and Lucas with
love and respect and will be my husband soon. - "He needed to hear
something that would impact negatively his foolish confidence." she
    - You're kidding, aren’t
you Amanda? You’re just saying that to hurt me. - She had achieved her goal,
his face had changed. - No one will ever love you like I do. Put this once and
for all in your head. You will only bring suffering upon you and Lucas by going
ahead with your stubbornness. You have always loved me and something as large
as that does not end over night. – Breno gestured while he talked. He was truly
stressed out seeing that the battle was coming to an end and he was losing it.
    – You disappeared for
almost one year, and I know the reason well; don’t pretend to be honest. Love
is not a little seed that you plant, water and – voila -, there will be
fruits for the rest of your life. It needs constant watching over, Breno. There
is no feeling that survives from crumbs, my dear. I can assure you that the
only thing that I expect from you is that you be the father that you have not
been to Lucas so far. If you can’t reach that goal, I’ll understand and will
accept it if you go away and leave him at peace. – That was her biggest wish but
she could not wish something that would impact exclusively on her son. She had
no right.
    - You are hurt and now I
understand well what you felt, but I want to change Amanda. Give me a chance! -
Breno did not avert his eyes from hers. If it were in other circumstances she
might even believe him, such was his performance.
    - Breno I want only two
things from you; if you can do them I'll be truly grateful. - He stopped
talking and looked at her puzzled. - I hope you are the father you have never
been to Lucas and go on with your life and leave me alone. Our story is over
and there is nothing that could make me go back on my decision – she said self-assuredly.
    - You're being cruel to us
and to our story. - He insisted.
    No, I'm not, Breno. I will
soon get married and maybe I can be happy with another man the way we were
never happy when we were together. And honestly I wish you the same. - this
might not be the moment of revelation, but Amanda was tired of hearing him
speak about a subject that did not interest her and that would never happen.
    - I was waiting for a more
intimate conversation to make my decision and you managed to piss me Amanda, so
I'll have to go ahead with my intention to keep custody of my son. -He spoke
with a voice full of bitterness.
    Amanda waited for this
news. It would only delay the inevitable if she continued avoiding being frank
with him.
    - Do as you please. - She
replied with a huge pain in her soul. - I think we'd better go now. - She no
longer needed to force a pleasant relationship with him, Breno did not deserve
    - Finish your food. Take
your time, you can still change your mind. Breno swallowed the whole drink he’d
asked for.
    -I'm not hungry, thank
you. - there was something huge in her throat preventing her from swallowing or
drinking, whatever that was.
    Breno seemed secure. The
certainty of victory was visible on his face making Amanda feel small and wishing
strongly that Antônio was there to help her, as he always had. But he was not
and she would need to be courageous and take care of herself.
    After a few minutes he
asked for the check and they left. In the car, Breno tried to touch her hand,
but Amanda withdrew it before he could reach his goal.
    - I do not want to make
you suffer. Think about it! - He asked with a honeyed voice causing her chills.
    - I do not want to talk about
this subject any more Breno. Your decision is made and so is mine. - She would
not let him see how fragile she was with that news. She would be strong for her
sake and that of her son.
    - I will ask my lawyer to
wait a few days, in case

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