Make-Believe Marriage

Make-Believe Marriage by Dill Ferreira Page B

Book: Make-Believe Marriage by Dill Ferreira Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dill Ferreira
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you change your mind. - He did not seem to believe in
her decision not to be reconciled. - Do you want me to leave you at the store?–
he asked.
    - If you can, leave me at
my building. - She asked still firm with the words.
    Along the way they did not
speak. Amanda chose to look at the movement of the streets and so it was until
they arrived.
    - Thanks for lunch – she thanked
him while getting out of the car.
    - Think a little more,
I'll be waiting. - Amanda went in without looking back. She had to get rid of
him to pun on her pain mask.
    At home she cried all she
wanted to cry in the restaurant, were it not for her self-esteem. Her son could
not be taken from her, it would kill her. She knew it was his right to have
custody of the child, but when it comes to Brazilian law where the smart ones
always managed to draw a card up their pockets, finding breaches in the law,
anything could happen. Now all she had to do was wait to her advantage to get
custody and ultimately get rid of Breno. She would have two major battles ahead
and her chances were great to win both. And she’d do her best to succeed.
    After a cold shower,
Amanda lied down to try to sleep and forget that lunch. For a long time she
stood there, eyes closed, imagining how nice it would be if Breno stayed away
for good, leaving her alone with her son. Breno, however, was close and would
not stop disturbing her whenever he was given the opportunity. Lost in her
thoughts she fell asleep without realizing it. After waking from her brief nap,
Amanda took another shower, due to the heat.
    - He just waited for you
to announce the wedding to show his claws. I knew that when he was sure he was
losing you, he’d attack with his last card. - Her friend was furious when she
heard about the conversation they had had at lunch.
    - He said he will wait for
a few days, but I know he will take this forward because I won't ever go back
to him. - said Amanda.
    - Do not worry, everything
is in your favor. Evidence and Antônio will collaborate a lot. - Carol cheered
    - So be it. - Amanda said
remembering the strong influences that Breno had. - Her chances would certainly
be higher than those of Breno if they were fighting on equal grounds. She knew
it, but if it came to be the decision of a judge who could be friends with
Breno, she knew she was in danger of having problems and if she lost she would
need to appeal making the long and painful decision for her child. But if need
be she would go all the way to last court in the world.
    After the chat, both
returned to the work they were doing before lunch and did not talk any more
about it. In the evening, at home, Amanda made her usual late night snack and
after reading some articles about fashion, she went to bed. She was exhausted,
which helped her fall asleep faster. A bad dream came to torment her during her
    Amanda was alone among
nonsense. Her face was sad and there was no one around, she was immensely
alone. In that tangle of situations she said to herself that that was not real,
that all that suffering was an illusion, yet the pain seemed so real and
hurtful that she began to doubt whether it was a dream or if she was awake. Her
son seemed to be missing and she did not know how or when he was gone. No
matter how hard she tried to remember something, she could not. Her mind was
empty and nothing there helped unravel that puzzle and find out where and how
it was. For a long time she kept that bad feeling until, exhausted, was lost in
her dreams and fell asleep again.

    – Hi there! Antônio – said
Amanda after the call had been transferred.
    – Amanda, what a surprise,
you calling me! – He was happy to hear her sweet voice.
    – I hope I’m not bothering
you. I needed to talk to you – she said still wondering if she had done the
right thing to call him.
    – I have some free time in
the morning. Did anything happen? – he asked concerned. Knowing her as he did, Antônio
knew she would

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