Malcolm X

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Authors: Clayborne Carson
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stated that the members are “fools” if they put on the uniform of the “white devil’s army.”
    LITTLE stated, however, he was not telling them not to do so, [BUREAU DELETION] it was indicated from the theme of LITTLE‘s talk that it would not be along the Muslim lines for an individual to serve in the armed forces of the United States.
    [BUREAU DELETION] in regards to the overthrow of the government, MALCOLM LITTLE had made statements to the effect that it was expected that the Negro race would be the rulers of the world and it had been indicated that the white man’s rule in the United States would end with the year 1955. [BUREAU DELETION] they continuously referred to the Battle of Armageddon and that it had been explained that this Battle would be between the “black man” and the “white man.”
    Meetings and Speeches Made by Subject at the
“Temple of Islam” 1643 North Bailey Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM LITTLE, the Minister of the New York Temple and the Philadelphia Temple was in charge of the meeting [BUREAU DELETION]. LITTLE expounded on the transportation arrangements for the members of the Cult to go to Chicago, Illinois, on February 26, 1955, which is the Muslim holiday known as “Savior’s Day.” LITTLE also welcomed new members at this meeting and appointed an assistant minister to preside in LITTLE’s absence.
    [BUREAU DELETION] the Minister MALCOLM LITTLE was the speaker at the [BUREAU DELETION] meeting [BUREAU DELETION]. MALCOLM spoke along the usual tirade, but in a more violent manner than usual. MALCOLM‘s speech reflected the theme that the destruction of the “devil” or white man is imminent and that the black people all over the world are conscious of this fact. MALCOLM presented two newspaper articles to prove that this is a time of change and that the War of Armageddon when the Gods are to destroy the devil is here. MALCOLM also related to the group that you will be sent to Korea and Japan and all over the world to fight to help the “devil” to stay in power but that there is no power that can save him as it is the will of Allah that he must be destroyed in accordance with his word.
    [BUREAU DELETION] MALCOLM LITTLE spoke at the meeting [BUREAU DELETION] at Philadelphia Temple. [BUREAU DELETION] LITTLE related the Muslim teachings in regard to slave traders and the Negro as a slave in the United States. LITTLE also related alleged mistreatment of Negroes in the United States by the white race.
    [BUREAU DELETION] the Minister MALCOLM was a speaker at a meeting [BUREAU DELETION] at the Philadelphia Temple. MALCOLM expounded on the white race being the “devil” and claims to be teaching the truth about the “black man” in the United States. MALCOLM stated that ELIJAH MUHAMMAD is standing up in this wicked government, referringto the United States government, and telling you the truth that has been hidden from you so long.

    Interview of MALCOLM LITTLE on
January 10, 1955
    In an interview on January 10, 1955, MALCOLM LITTLE advised SAs [BUREAU DELETION] and [BUREAU DELETION] that he resides at 25–35 Humphrey Street, East Elmhurst, Queens, New York, at the home of CURTIS and SUSIE KENNER.
    The subject readily admitted membership in the MCI Temple No. 7, New York City, but would not admit that he was the minister or teacher of Temple No. 7, New York City. Subject would not admit that he was affiliated with the MCI Temple in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, nor would he admit membership in the Detroit and Boston Temples.
    The subject was uncooperative in this interview. He refused to furnish any information concerning the officers, names of members, to furnish doctrines or beliefs of the MCI or family background data on himself.
    The subject stated that he believes in all the teachings of ELIJAH MUHAMMAD of Chicago, Illinois, and that ELIJAH MUHAMMAD was his leader

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