Mania and the Executioner

Mania and the Executioner by A. L. Bridges Page A

Book: Mania and the Executioner by A. L. Bridges Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. L. Bridges
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his friends to have a good view. I’m about ten feet from their table when Ku charges at me again. I turn slightly so the spear doesn’t hit the zipper as I reinforce my torso and legs, and I step into his charge. The hit splinters the tip of his spear and slides back about six feet, but I remain on my feet. Ku looks at his spear and then at me with a look on his face that tells me he is thinking ‘what the hell just happened?’
    “The answer is yes.” I shout to Tia as the kite-shape at the tip of the Mu-cutter connects and the shape solidifies with my silver aura. I slash through Ku’s short spear and right hand before spinning low to take him down at the ankles. Ku starts screaming before he even hits the ground.
    “You see, one thing I’ve noticed about you gods,” I sa y as I slice off his left hand.
    “Is that you are really difficult to kill. You heal too quickly, but if you cut off the bone,” I say as I shorten his left leg to his knee. “You can’t regenerate.” I shorten his right leg too before I sever both arms up to the elbows. He’s screaming his head off and it sounds like a symphony to me.
    “YOU MONSTER! SOMEONE IS GOING TO COME ALONG AND KILL THAT BITCH!” Ku yells. I flay a foot long strip of skin off his right side so he screams even louder. I watch as it regrows five seconds later.
    “Pissing me off is a bad idea Ku. Did you know that, occasionally, healing quickly isn’t such a good thing?” I say, and then I flay the same foot long piece off his ri ght side again.
    “Occasionally, it only prolongs your suffering.” Ku starts screaming again as I get this sense of euphoria from his pain.
    “I wonder what will happen if I sliced open your ribcage and ripped your heart out...” I say as I squat down by Ku’s head.
    “Do you think it will grow back?” I softly ask.
    “ LET’S FIND OUT!” I shout ecstatically. I stand and slice open his chest, only to find that it is just a gold mass.
    “Woops! I guess you guys have no hearts!” I laugh somewhat maniacally.
    “COLE!” I hear Cheza shout in my head as I snap back to my senses. I look around the room and I’m greeted with stunned, blanched, and horrified faces; Tia can’t even look at me. I take a deep breath to pacify myself.
    “I think it’s about time I ended this.” I announce calmly.
    I slice off Ku’s head and his body starts to disintegr ate into that gold ash that proceeds drifts upward. Since we are inside, won’t it just stick to the ceiling?
    “I usually get along with people. However, threatening Cheza rei is not something I tolerate; and since Loki is trying to kill Chezarei, joining Loki is also something I will not tolerate.” I say calmly while turning away from Ku’s body to address the entire room.
    (Cut the head off this serpent and end this debate early)
    “If anyone, AND I MEAN ANYONE, tries to hurt her or anyone else that I love and/or care about, I will collect your fucking head!” I say with a raised voice as I spin and slice through the stunned Kamohoali’i’s neck causing his head to land on the table.
    “JUST LIKE THIS FUCKER RIGHT HERE! NOW IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY, NOW IS THE FUCKING TIME!” I shout, feeling very Tarantino-ish all of a sudden…does this mean that Uma Thurman is going to slice the top of my skull off in like thirty minutes? Do I get a seventeen year old subordinate who uses that awesome chain + razor ball weapon? 4
    “That’s what I thought.” I say quietly as I walk back to my seat.
    Killing gods is a little less satisfying because there isn’t any blood, but in a way, it is more enjoyable because I get to play with them for longer without having to worry about them bleeding out…Did I seriously just think that?
    “Oh, Cole…” Cheza thinks while giving me a very concerned look.
    “How bad was it?” I ask. She sends me the image of the fight. I watch as my face gets slightly happier with each sc ream as I hold my silver emblazoned Mu-cutter.

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