Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5

Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 by Samantha A. Cole

Book: Watching From The Shadows: Trident Security Book 5 by Samantha A. Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha A. Cole
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know if I pulled out…in time.”
    “It’s okay... shhh .” Calm hands went to his cheeks and she looked him in the eye. “It’s okay. I’m on the pill. Have been for years.”
    He dropped his head to her shoulder, his lungs heaving for oxygen. “Thank God. I’m clean…I’ve always used them…I’m sorry….I wasn’t thinking.”
    “Neither was I. I was too busy feeling.”
    Bending his knees, he picked her up again, ignoring the mess between them, and carried her out of the kitchen toward his bedroom.
    “Marco, what are you doing? Put me down,” she giggled.
    “ Uh-uh , sweetheart. You didn’t get to cum when I did that time, and I’m not satisfied with only one orgasm from you. I hope you’re not too tired because it’s going to be a long night.”
    * * *
    Pulling up to the interior gate of the Trident compound, Marco rolled down his window and placed his hand on the security scanner a few minutes before noon. After the machine beeped, the chain link barrier slid open. He parked his truck next to Brody’s and got out, slamming the door behind him as his best friend exited the building housing the offices.
    The geek had returned from the hospital about two hours ago. “What are you doing here? I figured you’d still be with Harper.”
    Tucking his keys in his front pocket, Marco shrugged. “With the newbies, there were plenty of guards to watch her, so Devon told me to get lost for a while. Her mother showed up with the baby, and from the looks I was getting, the woman wanted to grab the first scalpel she saw to stab me. Between her, and Harper being allowed to go back to sleep for a few hours, I took a break. I’ll go back later.” He eyed a nearby vehicle. Although he hadn’t seen it in a while, he knew exactly who the sleek, black Dodge Challenger belonged to. “What’s Carter doing here?”
    “Drove in about an hour ago. He’s crashing upstairs for the night before heading out to parts unknown again.”
    The U.S. black ops agent was known for showing up unannounced and disappearing again just as quietly. The man, who only went by one name, was also a Dom, so when he was in town, it was a sure bet he would be stopping by The Covenant for some down time. The spare bedrooms above the offices were always available to him, but their friend’s sudden appearance was the last thing Marco cared about at the moment. “Has anyone heard from Murdock?”
    Brody leaned against the bed of his Ford F-150 and crossed his arms. “Boss-man just got off the phone with him. Nothing new. Doc Dunbar is contacting her people at Friends of Patty, to see if any of the wife-beaters could have decided to go after Harper. From what I understand, she’d represented some of the women in court proceedings before they decided to disappear for good, so it’s not that big of a stretch.”
    “Fucking great. The suspect pool just multiplied.”
    “Yup. So…” The big geek paused and seemed to weigh his words. “ Um …did you get a chance to talk to Harper about Mara without ticking her off again?”
    “No.” He kicked a pebble on the ground in front of him. “After she finished puking, they drew some more blood then took her down for another CT-scan. Everything came back negative or normal, so it’s just a side effect of the concussion.”
    “I’m sure your pissing match didn’t help.” There was that pause again. “So, what are you going to do? I mean, there are worse things in life than marrying a woman who’s as smoking hot as Harper.”
    His anger and frustration over the situation growing again, Marco growled. “Who said anything about getting fucking married?”
    “You’re obviously Mara’s father and, if I were you, I sure as hell wouldn’t mind going home to Harper in my bed every night. Hell, I even hit on her a couple of times.” He shrugged unapologetically at Marco’s angry glare. “What? I’d have to be dead not to. Tell me you never thought of us topping her

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