Linda said. "This sounds totally unbelievable. But you said at the beginning that this is all true." I said. "It is all true." Linda said. "I didn't completely believe it either. But it is all true. And it gets better every day." "You said that I could leave the terrafoam system today. Did you mean that? Can we leave now?" I asked. "There are two minor things we have to cover first." "There's always a catch." I said. I had a sinking feeling. "No. It is not a catch. The first thing is that you have two shares in 4GC, Inc. Your father probably purchased one for you and one for your wife. You can use only one of these shares. Is there someone else you would like to bring with you? Obviously you are not married. But is there a friend or a relative you would like to give your other share to?" "Can I bring Burt?" "Who is he?" "My roommate. The guy I came in with?" "Certainly. You can bring Burt. Can you find him now?" "That's easy. He is two doors down. What's the other catch?" "You have to agree to the core principles." Linda said. She pulled a sheet out of my catalog and handed it to me. It only had about 50 words on it. The title was, "The nine core Principles of 4GC." "By signing this sheet of LC," Linda said, "You agree to abide by Eric's core principles for 4GC. The only way for the Australia Project to work is for everyone to abide by the core principles. They will go over these principles in detail in the orientation, but this is the high level. Within a week you will be able to recite these from memory. Do you agree with these principles?" I read down through the principles. Each one was very short:
- Everyone is equal - Everything is reused - Nothing is anonymous - Nothing is owned - Tell the truth - Do no harm - Obey the rules - Live your life - Better and better
"That's it?" I asked. "You must be kidding." "That's it. You will be surprised how all-encompassing those 27 words can be." Linda said. "That's what the orientation will help you with." "Can I ask two questions?" I asked. "Surely." "How can I do anything besides living my life?" "Well, you are living your life now..." Linda said, "and personally I have to tell you that it leaves a lot to be desired! Those three words are very important. Live Your Life means that you are able get the most out of your life, as opposed to the least. Instead of dying in Terrafoam, or dying in some job that you hate, you live your life in the Australia Project in freedom and prosperity. Live Your Life means that you are in control -- again, the emphasis on freedom of choice. You decide what you want to do, and then you are able to do it. You reach your full potential. Live Your Life is the idea of thinking about your life as a whole, as something that you get to design and control. Does that make sense?" "More sense than you can imagine." "What is your other question?" she asked. "Better and better?" Linda replied, "That is a declaration of innovation. The goal is to make things continuously better and better for everyone in the Australia Project through constant innovation. We are constantly looking for problems, identifying them and solving them. We are constantly looking for and implementing new ideas. Things get better and better every day. Terrafoam is, by contrast, 'Worse and worse.'" "Sign me up!" I said. She handed me a marker from her pocket and I signed the LC. "Now press your thumb on the square to authenticate it," She said. A black thumbprint appeared in the box when I lifted my finger. "Congratulations!" They both said in unison. "Can I go get Burt?" "Yes. If you don't mind, you can sit with us as we explain 4GC to him, and then we will leave." I found Burt in Mike's room, brought him down, and in 20 minutes he had signed on as well. He was as incredulous as I was. We went down the elevator and as we walked through the first floor of the building, Linda spoke to the robot that approached her. Burt and I put on headsets and signed