you once again, after so many years. I hope that your journeys over these past few months have been good to you,” Tate Touro said as he welcomed King Zander.
“Likewise, Mayorgovern Touro. I have been looking forward to my visit to Maske,” Zander replied. “The people of Maske are always a delightful bunch and I look forward to meeting each of them individually.”
“And the people of Maske look forward to meeting with you as well, Majesty.”
Tate Touro led the king to the small platform where he would speak. The platform itself was gold, and the podium was crusted with tiny sapphires of varying colors so that it shone brightly against the sun, projecting magnificent colors throughout the square. While the podium was beautifully crafted and quite a sight to see, it proved to be counterproductive since it reflected so brightly against the sun. The citizens were struggling to adjust their eyes in order to see the king in full view against the blinding sapphires. Zander quickly noticed this, and without hesitation walked to the front of the podium, turned slightly to look at it from the front and then addressed the crowd.
“Such a thing of beauty! I fear that the magnificence of the podium that you have crafted for my arrival might hinder your ability to care about what I have to say. After all, if I were standing among you, I would certainly prefer to gaze upon this beautiful piece of art rather than the seemingly grumpy king who would stand behind it.”
Zander meant this as a compliment, and the Maskes took it as one. They applauded at the king’s ability to turn what would certainly have been an embarrassment into a gesture of praise and compliment.
“I have traveled now across the Kingdom of Forris for many months, and my breath is still taken by the hospitality, kindness, and good nature of the Fories at every turn.
“While I come to you in a time of peace among the kingdoms of Mantle, I am reminded during my consultations with the Sovereign Trees that this peace that we enjoy today was not always so. Therefore, I announce today, in this place, that I have offered to host a summit to be attended by the monarchs of the three kingdoms of Mantle. I have been informed by my messengers that my offer has been accepted by the rulers of the kingdoms and such a meeting will take place in six months’ time.”
At this news, the people of Maske roared with applause. No meeting of the kingdoms had taken place since the reign of King Alexo many years ago, and most of the Maskes present had not yet been born at the time of the last meeting.
“It is not my intention to meddle in matters of state as they pertain to the other kingdoms. Rather, it is my goal to secure our alliance against those who might come forward to create war, such as that of the Great Mantle War so long ago.
“The likelihood of such aggression in any form is nearly unthinkable. However, in order to secure such alliances, it is my opinion that a dialogue must be maintained among the leaders of Mantle. It is clear to me that such important friendships could falter when these friends do not share conversation and break bread together under one roof.”
Again, the Maskes applauded at the king’s insight. They agreed wholeheartedly that such a move on the king’s part was brilliant in its logic. How could cultures remain allies if they did not occasionally meet?
The decision to invite the rulers of Bore and Tongar to Forris was a difficult one for Zander, however. He was ultimately putting all of his faith in the assumption that he would regain his smile and happy demeanor before such a summit took place. He was taking a big risk and he knew that the royals of other nations might not understand his predicament. But it was a gamble that he thought he must make.
When Zander was finished with his comments, he stepped down from the back of the platform and again greeted Tate Touro.
“Majesty, I am delighted that you have chosen to make your
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