Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)
time? Full blown, dominating and sinful sex.
    Ricardo Alvez was actually beginning to enjoy the new job as CEO of Alvez Exports Inc. He didn’t seem to get involved with much due to the faithful board of directors handling the day to day workings. That was of course, until today! I am Llana Jones, the representative of Almanec: a Japanese business rival seeking foreign wears. A few faithful politicians have managed to inform Ricardo as to how I have been underbidding Alvez Export’s existing contracts, drawing quite a lot of enthusiasm from the corrupt exploitive factory owners. Ricardo should clearly remember me from our Harvard days. I used to have a soft spot for him but nothing ever came of it after his flirtatious advances were always met with strong rejection. In fact, there is a meeting between Alvez Inc. and a potential contract later on this evening. The Alvez corporative minions are trying to hijack it with Ricardo himself planning to attend the meeting in an effort to secure an agreement. I’m sure our engagement will be heated, what with me trying to destroy his family business and everything, but I am only doing my job. It isn’t my fault that Almanec has begun to emerge here in Colombia, nor that an opportunity has arisen for which they seek to exploit. However, somewhere inside me I feel that it will be nice seeing Ricardo again after all this time, seeing how we have both evolved as people. I actually feel a bit intimidated to tell the truth. He always made my heart skip a beat and could always get me excited whenever we would speak to one another.
    Ricardo’s olive oil looks and Latin charm certainly used to draw attention wherever he went as one can imagine. I used to be a timid, shy little blonde who quite simply, just didn’t want to become involved with boys. It was only until my first job and the string of office romances and nightclub encounters that followed that I really began to embrace my sexual desires and fantasies. The journey down memory lane is interrupted by the ringing of my cell phone as I get out of the taxi – it is my boss. He sounds anxious and instructs me to do whatever I can to stall Ricardo for an hour or so. That makes me laugh! Who do they think I am? Can’t they just pay somebody to block off a road or something? After a short argument where my boss promises to reimburse me handsomely, I cut the call. Maybe catching up on old times could actually take up 60 minutes.
    During the conversation my boss revealed to me that a factory owner is going to try and contact Ricardo personally to see if they can agree to undisclosed terms. If I can keep Ricardo distracted long enough; his absence may just tip the balance into Almanec’s favor. I always knew my company would take advantage of my past friendly relationship with him and would be looking to capitalize on his well-known Achilles-heel regarding women. And with my thin waist and firm boobs, who knows; maybe something amazing will come of it all. Ricardo has decided to meet me at his hillside villa, to where I have just arrived. Maybe he wants to probe further into my presence in Colombia or hopes to loosen my lips for some juicy information. Any moment now I will be meeting him. It is a hot day today and I do not want to waste any time with games seeing as how we know each other quite well. I have opted for a thin silk white dress; no bra; no panties. The reason for this being it is simply too hot and my plan is to simply go in try and charm him into a temporary ‘ceasefire’, whereby Almanec will clinch a few more customers, and then I will leave. My body combined with my mind should help me. A few years have passed since we last saw each other and I wonder if I will even recognize him as he has kept out of the public eye ever since he took the helm. My cell phone rings and it is my boss reminding me to remain vigilant and pay special attention in regards to Ricardo mentioning anything about a trip to Cali. I make another

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