Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)
land that abutted the lands his friend Caleb ranched across. He had set to and built them a home, with the help of the co-operative straight away, determined they should be in and settled long before the baby arrived.
    He often found himself wondering what might have happened to him had she not walked into the Saloon that day. They could so easily have missed one another. He could have passed through town and never have known he was passing up the woman he had always dreamed of. Instead he had almost been stupid enough to walk away even once he knew her. Never again. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear.
    “It was my pleasure, whatever it is I have done this time.” She sank down on her knees between the cribs. “Thank you my darling. These are the most precious gift, even if they do drive me crazy!”
    “Now they are asleep, do you think I could entice you to join me in a gentle waltz?” Hardy asked his wife. He had never been a dancer before, but Mariette had insisted he learn so he wouldn’t be the only man not dancing at his own wedding party. He’d discovered he was rather good at it, and he loved being able to hold his wife so close.
    “I’d be delighted, sing something beautiful to me as we do,” she said with a grin. Hardy had the world’s worst singing voice.
    “If we don’t want to wake the twins, I think it might be best if you do the singing my love.” Mariette swayed gracefully into his arms, and he began to twirl her around the spacious room. “I do love dancing with you Mrs Williams, and I do love more than anything.”
    “Well Hardy, I’d love to say I feel the same way, but I’, afraid you are on an equal footing with those monsters over there, but there is only one man who makes my heart pound so,” as she spoke she took his hand and laid it on her breast. He could feel her heart hammering beneath his fingers. He kissed her throat and felt it increase its pace.
    “I say Mrs Williams, are you sure you are quite well?” he teased
    “I’m not sure, maybe I need a little lie down,” she said with a wink as she moved towards the stairs, leading him up to their bed.
    “Now that sounds like a rather wonderful idea Mrs Williams. A little lie down while they nap could be just what the doctor ordered.”
    “WHY HE”
    An Alpha Billionaire Romance
    By: Nicole Price
     Copyright 2015 by Nicole Price- All rights reserved.
    In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.
    Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.
    WHY HE Desires
    BDSM Lust during the heat of the moment
    Ricardo Alvez is quite possibly, the greatest paradox going. A playboy; the ego-sensitive CEO of a multi-national textiles company, inherited from his late father. A helpless slave to his senses and desires. You will bear witness to the lustful side of domination and submission; both being used as a business tool as Ricardo attempts to neutralize any threats to his late-father’s empire. The bank account he now possesses is as big as my hilltop villa, located near the border of Venezuela, with plenty of land to indulge himself in, as his second favorite pastime is of riding horses. The billionaire’s lifestyle is as luxurious and fun as everyone imagines it to be with private G5 jets and lavish yachts. Having money does make one happy, and Ricardo surely knows how lucky he is. The ripped muscular body of an alpha-male coupled with the good looks of a movie star just adds to his desirability. Oh, and his favorite past

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