The Heart of Fire

The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward

Book: The Heart of Fire by Michael J. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael J. Ward
Tags: Fantasy
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    ‘Well, would yer look at that.’
    The tower is a monolith of black stone, cracked with veins of spitting fire. Its pointed spires stab through the clouds, looking like a giant hand of shadow grasping for the sun. In some parts,
sections of the tower have crumbled away – but, rather than fall loosely to the ground, they hang suspended in the air, captured as if in a painting.
    ‘I guess it didn’t look like that when last you saw it?’ ventures Polk, glancing sideways at Joss. The woman is speechless, gazing upon the black tower with fear and
    ‘I have to find my husband,’ she breathes at last, starting down into the valley.
    Silently, the rest of you follow, wondering what horrors you will find inside this malign-looking tower. Turn to 190 .
    As your magical blade slashes through the misty apparition, you see it recoil – the lightning flickering more angrily than before. Armed with the knowledge that this
creature can feel pain, you continue to hack away at its whirling form, sending ribbons of mist spiralling away into the gloom. Soon the elemental is no more, the wind that created it dying down to
an ineffectual breeze.
    Keeping your weapon drawn you continue into the barrows, eyeing your surroundings warily. After several minutes, you see a series of oval hills looming out of the fog; burial mounds where the
traveller insisted you would find ancient weapons and treasure. To your left, you notice one of the mounds has a ring of candles placed on top of it; their tiny flames flicker in the wind. To your
right, you can see an opening in the side of one of the hills. It looks like it was once covered by a boulder, which has now been pushed aside.
Will you:
Investigate the candles? — 40
Enter the open burial mound? — 61
    ‘This is actually for you.’ Anna hands you the casket. ‘It’s Jolando’s and he asked me to give it to you, as a thank-you for saving his
    The casket is plain, with no decoration or mark. It feels heavy in your hands. Opening it up, you find a black-bladed dagger inside, with a small leather pouch and an envelope tucked alongside
it. If you wish you may now take:
    Cutthroat’s carver
    (main hand: dagger)
    +1 brawn +1 magic
    Ability: bleed
    The pouch contains 15 gold crowns; the envelope contains an iron key. You turn it over in your hand, looking for any clue as to its use.
    ‘It’s the key to Jolando’s safe house,’ says Anna. ‘He will leave town for a while, until the troubles have died down. His safe house is now yours. I can give you
directions.’ (Make a note of the entry number 49. Anytime you are in Carvel and wish to visit the safe house, turn to that entry number.)
Will you:
Ask about what happened to the thief? — 54
Ask about the statue above the door? — 98
Thank Anna and leave? — Return to the map
    Malak’s face lengthens into a scowl. ‘The shroud is a place of demons and spirits – where the raw elements rule over all. It is the centre of everything, the
meeting place of worlds.’
    ‘And the old magic comes from this place?’ you ask frowning.
    Malak clicks his tongue. ‘Yes, you fool. The dwarves were the first to commune with the spirits, binding their power into runes. Over time, they learned that they could summon more
sentient spirits; those who would gift them greater powers.’
    Malak raises his hands, summoning crackling flames to his fingertips. ‘We have to learn control. If we don’t, we can lose ourselves to the magic and then . . .’ He snaps them
closed, extinguishing the flames. ‘Only with control can we understand true power. Not like those Wiccan fools who dabble freely in the darker magics; magics that will turn them all into
gibbering demon spawn.’
Will you:
Ask about the Wiccans? — 265
Ask about the testing? — 213
Leave and return to upper town? — 77
    Damaris turns to face you. Taking your hand, she places it on one of the dark runes glimmering

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