Marked by Hades
open and Justin stepped in, followed by a massive guy who could have been his twin. But what scared Yvonne the most was his size.
    She launched to her feet and backed to the bed table, but then she saw it. A subtle glow around him. It wasn’t as bright as Justin’s, but it was there. His soul was pure.
    “It’s okay. This is my brother, Theo. He’s scary-looking, but really he’s just a big oaf.”
    His presence was nearly as dominating as Justin’s. They had the same black hair, yet Theo seemed hardened, more focused. Justin must be the laid-back brother. Younger maybe.
    “Younger by twelve minutes,” Theo said.
    “You read my mind?” She stood straight.
    “You aren’t the only one with gifts.”
    Hope flared deep within her chest. “Can you see more? Can you— Do you—” She coughed into her hand. “Can you see who I am? My full name? Where I come from?”
    “So, you really don’t know.” Justin stepped toward her. “No memories?”
    “Woke up almost four weeks ago on a park bench.” She left out the killing part. “No idea of anything except my first name.”
    “And how did you find out you could dust people with your touch?” Theo asked as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.
    His eyes pierced through her as if analyzing her every thought and move. Maybe he’d see something in her mind that could help her.
    “Let’s just say I found out the hard way.” She fisted her hands and widened her stance. “But I knew things, like being able to work a computer, talking, walking…”
    “Everything except your life before the park bench,” Justin said as he glanced at Theo.
    “We’ll help you. But first”—Theo lifted his chin toward Justin—“we need to go.”
    Justin nodded.
    “You’re leaving?” She despised the weakness in her voice, but she didn’t want him to go.
    “You’re coming with us.”
    “Where?” she asked, thankful they could stay together.
    “One of Theo’s gifts is…well…breaching time. We’re headed to France.”
    Along with her breathing, her heart stopped. Surely she’d misheard him. That wasn’t possible, was it?
    Of course it was, look at what she could do.
    “It’s called a splice, and it’s perfectly safe, Yvonne. I know you don’t know me, but you can trust me.” Theo stepped forward, hand outstretched. “Trust us both.”
    Justin nodded, offering his as well.
    She looked to her gloved hands and figured it’d be safe as long as she never touched their flesh. And what did she have to lose, really? She hadn’t found anything here on her own. Maybe this was what she needed to do to learn who she was.
    “Come on.” Theo waved to the side.
    A shimmering black void as tall as Theo and Justin formed. Wind whipped through the room and ruffled her hair. Dread stole her breath.
    Justin grasped her hand. “It’s okay, szép . I’ve got your back.”
    She looked into his eyes, and his aura flared bright white. Why did his aura glow so brightly to her?
    “What are you people?” she asked.
    “We’ll explain later.”
    She nodded and stepped alongside him. “I’m ready.”
    Holding two strangers’ hands, Yvonne stepped into the darkness. The air was sucked from her lungs, and her legs went weak. Justin’s strength kept her upright, though. She felt him through the shifting of air and wind in her ears.
    No, the howling wind in her ears.
    Her stomach clenched. “Justin.” The noise swept away her voice, but his hand tightened around hers as if he’d heard. Peace settled over her, and suddenly solid ground appeared beneath her feet.
    She stumbled forward, but the two giants kept her on her feet. They’d landed on a square block in a dim room. Brick walls surrounded her, and the concrete floor had exercise equipment scattered around.
    “This is our designated landing safe zone.” Theo stepped away. “Sadie, love, are you here?”
    “She’s coming.” Halena came in through a door off to the side. “Hey, Justin.” Her gaze immediately

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