Marrying Mari
at a boot, tossing them aside. Her skirt had ridden up as Ethan pulled her close. Gabriel’s eyes studied the revealed length of her legs. She gasped as Ethan slid his hands under her skirt and tugged down her tights, trapping her thighs together. Then her tights were gone, and Ethan leaned back, resting on his heels. “Take off your skirt.” The command was back in his voice.
    Both men stared at her, but instead of making her nervous, a strange sense of power swept through her. Slowly, watching them, she leaned back on her butt and elbows, leaving her bare thighs slightly parted, one knee raised. She slipped the button of the waist, then slid the zipper down slowly, so slowly one of them groaned.
    “Tease.” Gabriel’s voice was deep, rough, his hand tense on the bedpost. He palmed his erect cock, stroking toward the darkened head.
    Mariella stopped, her hands on the waistband of her skirt. “So?”
    Ethan’s expression was curiously blank, but the color burned along his cheekbones. “Keep going.”
    Pushing both hands under the loosened top of her skirt, she leaned back and slid it down her legs, lifting her hips and then rocking forward to shove the bunched fabric over her knees. Ethan reached out and jerked it down and off.
    Mariella sat on the bed, legs stretched out and pressed together primly, clad only in her pale gray bra and bikini briefs, suddenly shy as the two men stared.
    “Fuck,” Gabriel swore. He climbed up on the bed, on her side opposite Ethan, and stretched out beside her, propping himself up on one long, muscled arm. With one finger he traced the edge of the lace lying across her breasts, making her shiver again. “Gorgeous. And your skin feels like velvet.”
    She reached out and touched his chest, stroking her fingers through the crisp curls. “Nice.” She shook her head, then simply traced his coppery areola with two fingers. He drew in a sharp breath, and she flicked the thick nub in the center with her thumb.
    “Fuck,” he said again, hard, and closed his eyes.
    Nipple play. Check .
    Ethan circled her ankle and slid his hand upward, slipping his palm over the skin of her inner leg, parting her legs to his gaze at the same time. She turned her head to watch him, and Gabriel pressed his mouth to the skin beneath her ear, then licked a series of kisses down to her shoulder and back. She moaned and her head fell to the side, giving him access, as Gabriel slid her flat onto the mattress.
    Ethan pressed a kiss against the inside of her knee, and she twisted, crying out. She opened her eyes to see Ethan staring up at her as his hand fondled her inner thigh, and then cupped her mound, squeezing just a tiny bit.
    “You’re wet,” he said, and traced his fingers up the center of her.
    She pushed up into his touch, murmuring something that was cut off by Gabriel’s mouth on hers. Gabriel pushed his fingers beneath the lace of her bra and cupped her left breast fully, thumbing her nipple and squeezing her soft flesh.
    Sparks flew throughout her body, from the nipple under Gabriel’s thumb to the throbbing button of flesh so close to Ethan’s hand. She arched and whimpered, twisting restlessly, needing more.
    “That’s right. Let us know what you like. What you want.” Ethan licked her skin where her hipbone met her belly. He petted her mound. “Your sweet pussy is so wet, your skin is so hot. You like this, don’t you? Tell me, do you like this, the two of us here with you, making love to you?” He squeezed again, pulsing rhythmically, and nipped her thigh.
    Gabriel lifted his head. “Tell us, sugar, or we’ll stop.” He pushed the lace cup down, baring her breast. “And that would be a shame before I tasted this pretty nipple.”
    Mariella panted helplessly. Where each man touched her she felt flushed with fever. She broke out in a sweat. Gabriel’s pupils were dilated, making his eyes dark with deep gold edges. He was sweating, too, she saw. Her head was fuzzy. What did Gabriel

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