Marshmallows and the Snow [Sweet Snacks: 1]
asked, now you have to listen. Quit with the naughty thoughts, we can explore them later.” Ruben winked. “And before you say anything, I know you had naughty thoughts.”
    “How? Can you read my mind all of a sudden?”
    Ruben snorted, shaking his head. “No, lover. But your Mjölnir is poking my bum.”
    With a groan, Aleks rested his head against Ruben’s shoulder. This Talking about Ruben’s life in London idea was turning out to be his worst ever.
    “Okay, okay. Let’s see. I live on my own in a thirty square meter flat. Under the roof. I’d love to have more room, but accommodation in London is way too expensive. So I’ve crammed my single bed, a tiny kitchen and the huge desk I need for my work in one tiny room. My bathroom is... let’s just say I’m glad I’m not fat. Otherwise I wouldn’t fit inside.”
    Wow. According to the description it sounded... cozy. Aleks would probably go insane. “What are you doing? You mentioned yesterday you are an artist.”
    Suddenly, Ruben’s eyes lit up. “I work on illustrations, mainly for books. But the market in the internet is growing.”
    Aleks gaped at the man in awe. “Illustrations? Means, you can draw?”
    “Sure,” Ruben quipped, shrugging. He dragged a sheet of paper across the desk, snatched a pencil and moved it over the blank sheet. First, Aleks had no idea what the man was trying to show him. But then he gasped and stared at the sketching.
    “That’s Olga!”
    “Yup!” Ruben grinned. “To be honest, I’d love to draw you. And the cabin plus the surroundings. I’m currently working at a storybook for kids, for a publishing house. The author is very talented and the stories are so lovely. This cabin and you would be perfect for one of the stories. The hero is a lumberjack.” Ruben’s cheeks flushed a lovely rose. God, he was the cutest thing when he was shy and embarrassed.
    “Engel, you can draw me anytime you want. And the cabin and everything else you want. You’re exceptionally gifted.” He patted Ruben’s back, looking at the owl he’d sketched in under a minute. It looked so alive. Like it’d fly out of the paper any second.
    Ruben squealed and wrapped his arms around Aleks’ neck, covering his face with little kisses. Aleks laughed. Black stubble at Ruben’s chin and above his lip, because he hadn’t shaved this morning, gave the younger man’s face a rumpled look. Otherwise, he was still smooth. Ruben probably wasn’t able to grow a full beard, which was really cute.
    “Thank you so much!”
    “You’re welcome, Ruben. Say, what else do you do aside from creating wonderful pictures?”
    Ruben scrunched up his nose. “Not that much. There are a few people I’m friends with through my work. Publishers and authors and such, and sometimes I tag along when they go to lunch, or dinner, or parties. But not very often. I like to stay at home. I like to curl up on the sofa in some sweatpants with a cup of cocoa much more than browsing the clubs and bars. Too much noise and people.” He shrugged, fiddling with the buttons on Aleks’ shirt.
    “But you’re young. Don’t you want to go out and party? Be a bit wild and explore what life has to offer?” Aleks asked incredulously.
    “Explore what? Sex? Drugs? Too much beer and puking on a bathroom floor, while the strange guy who wants to bang me in one of the stalls holds my hair? No, thank you very much. Not my cup of tea.” Oh. Ruben looked pissed. He folded his arms in front of his chest and glowered at Aleks.
    “Ruben, that’s not what I meant.” Aleks tried to soothe his lover and wrapped his arms around his waist. “Don’t be mad, please.” He nuzzled the soft curls at Ruben’s temple till the man melted against him.
    “It’s not? Aleks, you need to understand I’m really boring, okay? Maybe you think it odd, but I’m not interested in drinking and dancing all night long. I don’t like the music they play, I don’t like the alcohol, and I don’t like most

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