Mary, Mary

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Book: Mary, Mary by James Patterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Patterson
Tags: Fiction, General
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cheer. Even Nana let out a whoop. We were finally on vacation.

Chapter 23
    MAYBE THERE WAS a silver lining in all of this misery and desolation. Not likely, but maybe. Arnold Griner knew he had exclusive rights to his own story when this terrible mess was all over. And you know what else? He wouldn’t settle for just a TV movie. He was going to try to serialize the whole thing in his column, and then sell it as a prestige project at one of the studios.
Hollywood Under Siege? The War Against the Stars?
Bad titles. That was the concept, anyway.
    He shook his head and refocused on the San Diego Freeway. The Xanax he’d taken was making him a little loopy. He’d kept the caffeine going, too, just to maintain some kind of balance through the day. Actually, the morning commute was the hardest time of his day. It was a daily transition from not worrying as much to worrying a lot and feeling sick to his stomach. The closer he got to his office, his desk, his computer, the more anxious he felt.
    If he knew for certain that another creepy e-mail was coming, it would almost be easier. It was the not-knowing part that made it hell.
    Would Mary be back? Would it happen today? But, most important, why was she writing to him?
    All too soon, he arrived at Times Mirror Square. Griner worked in the older part of the complex, a 1930s-era building that he had a certain affection for, under normal circumstances, anyway.
    The main doors were large bronze affairs, flanked with imposing twin eagle sculptures. He walked right by them this morning, around to the back entrance, and took the stairs to the third floor. One couldn’t be too careful, could one?
    A reporter named Jennie Bloom fell into step with him the second he hit the newsroom floor. Among all the staff who had shown a sudden interest in his well-being, she was by far the most obvious about it. Or was that odious?
    “Hey, Arnold, how’s it going? You doing okay, man? What are you covering today?”
    Griner didn’t miss a beat. “Jen, if that’s your idea of a pickup line, you must be the most unlaid woman in L.A.”
    Jennie Bloom merely grinned and kept on coming on. “Spoken like someone with experience in matters of the heart. All right then, let’s skip the foreplay. You get any more e-mails? You need help on this, right? I’m here for you. You need a woman’s point of view.”
    “Seriously, I just need some space. Okay? I’ll let you know if I get anything else.” He turned abruptly and walked away from her.
    “No you won’t,” she called after him.
    “No I won’t,” he said, and kept walking.
    In some ways, even the annoying distractions were a relief. As soon as he turned away from Bloom, his mind went back into the disturbing loop it had been on before.
    Why me? Why did Crazy Mary pick me out? Why not Jennie Bloom?
    Would it happen again today? Another high-profile murder?
    And then it did.

Chapter 24
    A CALM, MEASURED FEMALE voice said, “Nine-one-one, what is your emergency?”
    “This is Arnold Griner at the
Los Angeles Times
. I’m supposed to call a Detective Jeanne Galletta, but I don’t . . . I can’t find her number on my desk. I’m sorry. I’m a little rattled right now. I can’t even find my Rolodex.”
    “Sir, is this an emergency call? Do you need assistance?”
    “Yes, it’s definitely an emergency. Someone may have been murdered. I don’t know how long ago this happened, or even if it did for sure. Has anyone called about someone named Marti Lowenstein-Bell?”
    “Sir, I can’t give out that kind of information.”
    “It doesn’t matter. Just send someone to the Lowenstein-Bell residence. I think she’s been killed. I’m almost sure of it.”
    “How can you be sure?”
    “I just am. Okay? I’m almost positive there’s been a murder.”
    “What is the address?”
    “The address? Oh, Jesus, I don’t know the address. The body is supposed to be in the swimming pool.”
    “Are you at the residence now?”
    “No. No.

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