Material Girl 3: Secrets & Betrayals
                “We’ve all known from day one State wasn’t shit. He treated you and everyone,” she stressed, pointing around the table “else in his life like crap.”
                “Lies you tell. He loves me,” Tee-Tee popped his lips.
                “He doesn’t care about anyone but his self,” Billie continued, rolling her eyes. “He will neveeeer change. People like him with no heart or conscious are incapable of change.”
                “Well tell us how you really feel.” Dylan’s eyes bulged.
                “I’m just sayin.” Billie sat up straight. “People like him are put on this earth to destroy everyone around them without a thought or care. You really think State care about you? ‘Cause if you do you are sadly mistaken. He will chew you up and spit you out honey. He ain’t worried about you or your marriage. Hell, he wasn’t even worried about his own damn marriage for that matter. He’s already made you look crazy enough. Don’t end up lookin’ like no fool. State is not someone worth having in your life on any term. Trust me, I know.”
                “What you mean trust me, I know?” Dylan eyed her quizzically.
                Realizing she’d said too much, Billie cleared her throat.
                “Nothing, I’m just saying I know when a person is being used, that’s all,” she said, flushing in distress.
    “Mmm,” Dylan said, not fully convinced.
     “You know what I am such an idiot.” Billie slapped her hand against her forehead. “Today is my day to pick up the kids from school. Forgive me but I gotta go.” She air kissed Dylan and Tee-Tee’s cheeks.
    “But we haven’t even got our food,” Tee-Tee objected.
    “Don’t worry about it. Lunch is on me.” Billie yelled over her shoulder leaving out.
    “What the hell was that about?” Tee-Tee wondered out loud.
    “I have no freaking idea. Homegirl has been on ten since the party. I thought it was just me that noticed it,” Dylan said, still taken aback.
    “No sweetie, mama is having a full blown nervous breakdown right in front of our eyes. You think its Knox or Cain?” Tee-Tee asked.
    “I don’t know. She hasn’t said anything to me. You know the bitch is weird.”
    “You’s a shady bitch,” Tee-Tee cracked up laughing. “Well since lunch is on Billie I think I’m gonna have another margarita. Oh waiter!”  

    I don’t wanna lose you now. I’m lookin’ right at the other half of me.
    -Justin Timberlake, “Mirror”
    Chapter 7
                Filming for HBO’s 24/7 featuring Angel Carter and Trevor Thomas had begun and the city of St. Louis was on fire. With sports media crews and paparazzi in town all eyes were on the king and queen of the Lou. Angel was pumped and ready for the full on media blitz, non stop training and sparring sessions. His body was in its physical peak and his mind was 100% focused on the bout. Nothing, not even Dylan and her thoughtless bullshit could get him off track.
                Since 24/7 was a reality series based on the life of a boxer as he prepares for a fight Angel had to pretend like nothing in his life was off kilter; especially not his marriage to Dylan. They couldn’t withstand anymore negative press so when she and Mason arrived to be with him as he trained in front off the press, Angel put on a strong face. He greeted his wife with a sweet kiss. Dylan was overjoyed by the show of affection from her husband.
                The heart wrenching silent treatment that he’d been giving her was tearing her apart. She absolutely hated being in the midst of Angel’s wrath when he was mad. The man could hold a grudge like no other. She just wished that he could see things her way. She would never betray Angel’s trust as she’d done in the past.
     If he would

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