Meant for Me
making him feel like he’s such a player when they’re really laughing at him behind his back.” Ben drops an arm onto his knee, driving with one hand. “You see, the Prices may be feared, but they’re not respected. People put up with their shit and kiss their asses to get a job or win an election. Stuff like that. But nobody really likes them.”
    “Why am I not surprised?” I remark bitterly. “I’m ashamed to say I did the same thing.”
    “Yeah, but when you’re put in the position of not having any other choice, you do what you gotta do whether you want to or not.” Ben’s more practical than I thought. He has a handle on how the town operates.
    “But you’re probably wondering how I went from being lifelong friends with Ryan to being enemy number one.” I run a hand through my hair, nervous about what I’m going to reveal.
    “The thought did cross my mind, and I assumed it had to do with your relationship with Eric, but there’s something else, isn’t there?” Ben is dying to know. I might as well tell him.
    “Ryan tried to rape me then cover it up by having Lauren slander me in the Gazette by saying I was going to be arrested on some trumped-up charges. But it was all a smoke screen to get me away from Eric. Will was the one who let us in on their plan before it was too late. If not for Will, I’d probably be pregnant and alone somewhere. That’s why I’m dropping everything and flying across the country. I owe Will big time for what he did for me and Eric.” A light of understanding flickers in Ben’s eyes, like something I said just clicked with him.
    “Eric found out what Ryan tried to do to you and beat the crap out of him, didn’t he?” Ben asks, even though he doesn’t need my confirmation. “Because Ryan was walking around town looking all banged up after the film festival, but no one could figure out what had happened to him. He said he fell down a flight of stairs but no one bought it.”
    “Yeah, I gotta admit that I didn’t see it coming. I thought Ryan was my friend. I still can’t believe what he tried to do to me. I don’t think I ever will.” I wipe away the tears welling in my eyes with the back of my hand. I refuse to let Ben see me cry.
    “So you didn’t hear about the girls’ swim team then?” Ben cocks his head to look at me.
    “What about it?” I sniffle, afraid of where he is going with this.
    “Ryan got caught spying on them when they were changing after a meet. He was almost suspended, but his father got him out of it. The coach who squealed on him lost his job, but that didn’t stop him from telling anyone who would listen. He didn’t keep quiet because he feels Ryan’s a threat.” Ben eyes me warily, waiting for me to figure out the implications behind his statement.
    “You think I’m a coward for not reporting him to the police, don’t you?” It’s clear what he’s accusing me of, and on this matter, I am guilty. I can’t talk my way out of it because Ben’s right. I am a coward.
    “I think you’re putting a lot of innocent girls in danger by not coming forward. I get the influence his family has and how they could ruin you, but aren’t they already doing that? What do you have to lose by going to the police?” Here I was, afraid that Ben was going to attack me, but instead he’s lecturing me on the merits of bringing a sexual deviant to justice. It just goes to show how paranoid I’ve become and how every guy’s actions have seemed suspicious to me, even when they’re not. Hell, ten minutes ago I was even afraid to be in his truck.
    “I’ll consider it when I get back, all right?” I need Ben to meet my eyes to know I’m serious, but he waits a second or two before turning his head.
    “Well, I really hope you change your mind because that coach who got fired was my brother.” The severity of what he’s telling me starts to sink in.
    “Oh jeez, Ben. I didn’t know…” I tense up, realizing the ramifications.
    “So you

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