Men Of Flesh And Blood
    Psychiatric experts told
the court that both Daniel and Manuela were suffering from severe
narcissistic personality disturbances. As a result of this, Daniel
and Manuela could not get life sentences because they were both
mentally ill and couldn't be held one hundred percent responsible
for their actions. The judge explained that the case wasn’t about
Satanism, rather about a crime that was committed by two people who
were ill. While the sentences were being announced Daniel was
looking at his mother, and Manuela was looking down and chewing
bubble gum. Frank Hackert's father was there throughout the case to
see what kind of punishment Daniel and Manuela would
    The prison terms that
Daniel and Manuela got were 15 years for Daniel and 13 years for
Manuela. The sentences were to be served in a secure psychiatric
hospital instead of jail because they would be a threat to other
inmates if were put in jail. The court at the very end said there
is a good chance that after they served their prison time they
still might not get out because there is a possibility they might
kill someone else again.

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