Merry Christmas, Paige

Merry Christmas, Paige by MacKenzie McKade Page A

Book: Merry Christmas, Paige by MacKenzie McKade Read Free Book Online
Authors: MacKenzie McKade
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
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family. She had been with them since Cami was born. He could still remember the argument he and Sylvia had when he hired Janis. She had no home, had been left here by a boyfriend who followed the waves, and the most important aspect was that she was good with children, like Paige.
    He inhaled the scent of her skin and released a sigh. This was where he belonged, wrapped in her arms forever.
    Paige woke to an empty bed in a dimly lit room. Had it been a dream? A silent cry rose in her throat, dying when the bedroom door opened. Light silhouetted Nathan’s frame. She sucked in the breath she’d held at bay.
    He carried a tray in his hands. “Evening, sleepyhead.” He set the tray down on the small table in the room.
    She rubbed her eyes. “How long was I asleep?” As if she sported a hangover, her head began to pound. He slid the glass doors of the bedroom open and a gush of salty air swept through the room.
    “About eight hours.” He walked back to the table and began to uncover the plates. The juicy scent of roasted meat met her nose. Her stomach growled. It seemed like forever since she had eaten.
    She pushed into a sitting position and stretched. “I can’t believe that.” Her body felt deliciously sore. “I don’t remember when I’ve ever slept that long. Have you been here all this time?”
    “Yes.” He poured wine into two glasses.
    “Doing what?” she asked.
    “Watching you. Did you know you snore?”
    She huffed. “I do not.”
    “Do too. And you talk in your sleep.”
    She had never talked in her sleep. “Oh yeah? What did I say?”
    Dressed in a white robe that matched hers, he strolled sensually to the bed and picked up her hand. He pressed his lips against her wrist. “You said you love me.” He gave her hand a gentle pull until she stood before him. He reached past her to retrieve her robe and held it out for her to slip her arms through. “Hungry?”
    “A little.”
    “Good.” He secured her sash.
    “Is this what life together will be like, you waiting on me?” she teased.
    “If I have any say about it, yes.” He winked, making her heart flutter. “Now eat.”
    Baked potato, steak and a medley of vegetables made her mouth water. Her knife sliced through the meat like it was butter. She couldn’t wait to taste it as she forked a piece and placed it in her mouth. “Oh my God. This is almost orgasmic.”
    He laughed. “Orgasmic? I think I’ve been insulted.”
    She sliced another piece of steak and ate it without pause.
    “You know my family owns this cottage.” He took a sip of his wine. “I manage the resort now.”
    Her fork stopped midway to her mouth. “Really?” She set the utensil on the table. “What about your dreams of designing buildings?” It had been all he talked about when they were together. He’d wanted nothing to do with the family business. In fact, they had agreed to make it on their own without his inheritance.
    “I encouraged Mom and Dad to purchase the resort after we—” He looked down at his plate, before raising his gaze to meet hers. “I mean, after we, um—”
    “Split up,” she finished his sentence. Yes, it hurt, but it was what it was.
    “I had to have something that was ours.”
    Was that the real reason or had Sylvia demanded it? Paige was sure the simple lifestyle that she and Nathan had sought wouldn’t measure up to his ex’s standards. It hurt to think he might be lying to her.
    For the next couple of minutes they ate in silence.
    She looked up from the vegetables she pushed around her plate. “Yes?” The pause that followed put her on edge.
    Nathan swallowed hard. “I owe it to my parents to continue managing this property. Not to mention it’s the only home Cami has ever known.”
    Paige wasn’t quite sure where this conversation was going, but it didn’t have a good feel to it. “Nathan, what are you trying to say?”
    “Would you be willing to relocate your practice to Kauai or one of the other

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