Merry Christmas, Paige
coughed and he smiled. It had been a long time since she had sipped champagne. Five years.
    Together they walked toward the Jacuzzi. She climbed the steps and placed a foot into the warm water. The minute she eased down into its depth she released a sigh. After one more sip, she set the glass on the side. Nathan followed to take a seat beside her. Not even a heartbeat passed before he gathered her into his arms. She rested her head against his chest. He kissed her softly on the forehead.
    The moment of silence lingering between them wasn’t awkward. They had always had the uncanny ability to bask in each other’s company without a word. She stared out into the gray and gloomy sky, listening to the ocean lick the shore. In the distance, a bird screeched. She snuggled closer and he held her tighter.
    The moment was serene, peaceful, and she began to relax.
    Nathan looked down at Paige and couldn’t help smiling. She had fallen asleep. “Poor baby.”
    Easing her from his lap, he stood and carefully raised her into his arms. Water beaded and rolled off her silky skin. A gust of wind swept across the balcony. He held her closer, attempting to block the chill in the late-morning air. As he carried her into the cottage, Paige whimpered, but didn’t wake. Quietly, he moved across the living room to the bedroom and then the bathroom. It was difficult, but he managed to jerk a towel off the rack and toss it over her, before he made his way back into the bedroom. She didn’t stir as he laid her upon the bed. With a dab here, one there, he attempted to dry her off without disturbing her. When he was satisfied, he rolled her to her right side and eased the comforter and sheet from beneath her. Quickly, he dried himself and then crawled in to spoon her back and pull a sheet over them. For a moment he was overwhelmed, choked up with emotion. He had missed this. He fought to push the regret away. Those lonely days were gone.
    Up to now Cami had been the only bright thing in his life. He gazed out the window. The rain had started again, but it was a light drizzle in comparison to the torrent that had hit earlier. Paige and he had made it over this first hurdle in their lives, but he wasn’t a fool.
    The fact was Paige and he lived two different lives. His was an easy living that his family’s money allowed, something he and Paige had refused to consider five years ago. While she had continued on the path they had agreed upon by establishing a life and a medical practice, he had done a one-eighty, tossing his architectural dream to the wind.
    Would Paige be willing to give up her practice? Move to Kauai? By purchasing the resort, the cottage where he and Paige’s love had grown that summer, he had promised his parents to join the family business. It had been a small price to pay to hold onto something he and Paige had shared together. He just hoped she understood why he couldn’t let his mom and dad down now.
    Paige moaned and he drew her closer.
    While he held her, little details kept popping into his mind. Cami and Paige had already met. It wouldn’t take them long to establish a relationship, one he was sure his ex would do her best to destroy. The damn woman hadn’t let a day go by without throwing his feelings for Paige into his face. Marrying Sylvia had been wrong from the beginning.
    He wedged a leg between Paige’s, before kissing her shoulder.
    Guilt invaded his thoughts. He had asked Janis to take Cami to visit his parents if there was a break in the weather. It would give him and Paige time to get reacquainted and discuss the particulars of their lives together. Cami and Janis enjoyed Lotus Point. His family had every conceivable amenity two girls could ask for. Yet his decision had been selfish. He couldn’t stand the thought of being away from Paige for even a moment. He moved his hand to cup a breast and she didn’t stir.
    Would she like Janis? The young girl was more than a nanny—she was part of their

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