Merry Cowboy Christmas

Merry Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown Page B

Book: Merry Cowboy Christmas by Carolyn Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Brown
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And Ruby has company coming next week. I guess we’ll have to go to Throckmorton or Wichita Falls to a hotel.”
    Fiona moved to stand beside Katy. “Mama, you aren’t going to…,” she whispered.
    “Love thy neighbor,” Katy whispered back, and then turned to Dora June. “Don’t be silly. Audrey’s Place has lots of room. You can stay there until you make a decision about this place.”
    Fiona sucked air right along with her sisters. Had her mother really just offered to take Truman and Dora June home after the way they’d behaved the past year? Lord have mercy! It might be the Christmas season when love abounded and the preacher might have preached on loving your neighbor, but Truman and Dora June? Fiona’s nose twitched and her eyes dried out before she remembered to blink.
    “I’ll live in my old store building on Main Street before I live in a whorehouse,” Truman snapped.
    “You might but I’m not,” Dora June smarted back at him. “Katy, I appreciate the offer but I can’t climb steps with these old knees.”
    “You and Truman can have my bedroom. It’s downstairs. It even has its own private bath,” Katy said.
    Dammit! Why didn’t her mother simply smile and nod? Everyone could appreciate the lovely Christian gesture without having to endure the pain of the reality if they took her up on the offer.
    “I will not sleep in a room where a whorehouse madam did and you are not going to either, Dora June.” Truman crossed his arms over his chest.
    “Then you go sleep in that drafty old rat-infested building that doesn’t even have a shower. Last time we checked, the potty wouldn’t flush and the sink wouldn’t drain. You can take your meals at Nadine’s. I’m going home with Katy since she’s been so sweet.” Dora June turned around and marched over to Katy’s car.
    “You are welcome to change your mind,” Katy said.
    Fiona clamped her jaws shut tightly to keep from saying anything. If Truman and Dora June moved into Audrey’s Place, then Fiona would spend her evenings over at the Lucky Penny with her sisters. Hell, she might even move in with them or else take up residence in the travel trailer if Jud didn’t.
    Truman stomped over to Katy’s car and opened the passenger door. “I’ll go, but I don’t like it one bit.”
    Dora June crawled out of the car. “Well, you ain’t goin’ to like this a bit better. We’re going to the church to get some clothing to last for a few days until we can shop.”
    Truman groaned and rolled his eyes. “I hate charity.”
    “Pride is a dangerous thing,” Fiona told him, repeating the words her mother had said to her.
    “Listen to her.” Dora June crawled into the truck. “Be glad we weren’t at home takin’ our usual Sunday afternoon nap or we be dead. And be thankful that we still have a truck to drive and that your livestock wasn’t burned up. God’s been good to you, Truman.”
    “If he’d been good to me, I’d be sleeping in my house right now and not watching it finish burning to the ground. Come on, woman. I’ll take us to the church and then to that horrible house,” Truman snorted.
    “We will see you in an hour, and thank you, Katy,” Dora June said.
    “Mama, what in the hell have you done?” Lizzy whispered.
    “I’ve loved my neighbor. And you will, too. It will teach us all some patience.”
    “It might get me thrown in jail.”
    In a few long strides, Jud joined them.
    “For what?” he asked.
    “Mama just invited Truman and Dora June to live with us,” Fiona said.
    “That’s sweet of you, but I’m surprised Truman agreed,” Jud said.
    “It’s amazing what an old coot will agree to do when it’s freezing outside, his house is gone, and the toilet won’t work in his shack of a building on Main Street.” Fiona sighed. “And we were going to have a family evening one day this week and put up the Christmas decorations.”
    “We still can,” Jud said. “Christmas is my favorite holiday and not even

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