Midnight Alpha

Midnight Alpha by Carole Mortimer

Book: Midnight Alpha by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
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smile as she quickly picked up a cloth and studiously began to mop up the spilt wine. Delaying the moment when she would have to turn and look at Gregori.
    But spilt wine could only take so long to deal with, and as she had to wait for Rick to pour a fresh glass, she also had no choice but to turn and glance over to where Gregori was sitting on one of the bar stools, watching her with those dark, all-seeing eyes.
    It was Friday evening, and the casino was hopping, and yet somehow he had managed to find an empty barstool in the area of the bar where she happened to be working?
    Somehow Gaia didn’t think so. Which meant that Gregori had to have deliberately sought her out. After first watching her on those damned security monitors in his office?
    The heat increased in Gaia’s body just thinking of him sitting up there watching her with those dark and enigmatic eyes.
    He looked—he looked fucking gorgeous was how he looked!
    Gaia didn’t usually use such graphic language, even in her head, but fucking was what this man made her feel, want, ache for.
    That feeling was wrong for so many reasons, and yet she couldn’t seem to drag her gaze away once she had looked at him. His jaw was clean-shaven this early in the evening, and he was wearing a black dinner suit and a snowy white silk shirt, along with a perfectly tied black bowtie.
    Because it had been his intention all along to come down onto the casino floor tonight, where all the members of the exclusive nightclub were also dressed in evening clothes?
    To see her again?
    That was probably allowing her imagination to go a little too far, Gaia allowed. Gregori owned this nightclub and casino, so why shouldn’t he come down and mingle if he wanted to. Except the gossip amongst the other waitresses said that he didn’t want to very often, that he preferred to leave the handshaking and charm to Claude le Coeur.
    It was impossible to miss the covetous glances being sent his way by the other women in the casino, the members of the club and the other waitresses serving drinks. There was also absolutely no reason for Gaia to assume he had come down here especially to talk to her, rather than one of the beautiful women who patronized his nightclub.
    Besides which, the two of them hadn’t exactly parted well in the early hours of this morning.
    After which he had arranged to have his own head of security drive her home…
    “Miss Miller?” There was an edge of impatience to Gregori’s voice now.
    He also had that mesmerizing, dark-eyed thing going on, Gaia recognized as she continued to inwardly panic. Dracula eyes. Captivating, mesmerizing eyes, luring his female victim to her doom.
    Or his bed…
    “Are you feeling unwell this evening, Miss Miller?” his voice lowered softly.
    “I… No, I’m quite well, thank you, Mr. Markovic,” she came back haltingly, followed immediately by her telling herself to get a grip, that he was just a man—
    Just a man? Gregori Markovic wasn’t just a man , he was sin incarnate—at least, he made her want to commit sin incarnate, which was the same thing, wasn’t it?
    She simply didn’t react like this to men. Yes, she’d had her share of boyfriends, had even had three relationships in the past five years that had gone further than just dating. But none of those men had made her feel like Gregori did with just a glance of those hypnotic dark eyes. As if she wanted to throw off all her clothes and shout for him to take her—
    “Can I get you something to drink, Mr. Markovic?” Rick Turner thankfully broke the silence as he moved solicitously down the bar to look enquiringly at their employer.
    “No, I’m good. Thanks, Rick.” The older man assured smoothly as he stood up. “Could you get someone else to deliver those drinks, I believe it’s time for Miss Miller’s break now?”
    Gaia gave him a startled look. How on earth did he know it was time for her break?
    Because he’s the boss, stupid.
    Well, yes, he might

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