Obama should be making a speech about gender like the brilliant one he gave on race back in March. Millions of people, especially women, had high hopes for the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Attention must be paid. And you don’t pay attention to it by having your advisors run your wife through the makeover machine, trying to soften her up and pipe her down. Michelle Obama has been one of the most refreshing things about this election year. But within weeks of the end of the primary season, the handlers stepped in to deal with the “Michelle Problem.”
problem? She speaks her mind? She wears what she wants? She thought he was crazy to run for president and tried to put her foot down? Only a
person would want her husband and family to be chewed up and ground through the political grist mill.
Michelle’s biggest sin, according to the punditocracy, was to say that, as a black woman, this may be the first time in her adult life she’s been really proud of her country. Shock! Surprise! Outrage! But not from any of the black women
know. You have to be white and stupid to not know what she was really saying. If you don’t understand, let me ask you this: Have you been proud of what this country has been doing in the past few years? Are you proud your neighbors had their house taken from them? Are you proud to be sending a good chunk of your paycheck to the oil companies so they can post record profits? Are you proud to know your vice president outed one of our spies and put her life and the lives of others at risk? If not, well you’re no better than Michelle Obama. That’s all she was saying—what we are all feeling.
Barack Obama, outnumbered in his household 3-1 by the female gender, has a lot at stake in making sure that women’s rights and opportunities are on par with men’s. As one who knows what it’s like to be in a class of people who traditionally have not held power, he’s in an excellent position to speak to another group that has been left out—women—and assure them that he will be their advocate.
Plus, this is just good politics. Women vote by a larger margin than men. And if it remains true that Obama will not carry the white male vote (as most of the polls indicate he will not), then he simply cannot win without capturing a strong majority of the female vote. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton both lost the white male vote but won the White House. They did so by winning an overwhelming percentage of the black, Hispanic, and female vote. That HAS to be Obama’s strategy to win. Otherwise, Cindy McCain will be our new First Lady.
5.Show up to a gunfight with a peashooter.
Convince yourself that the Republicans are just going to roll over and play dead because there is simply no life left in their Party. Convince yourself
this one is in the bag!
Convince yourself that if you play by the rules, the Republicans will, too.
And when McCain and his people roll out their nuclear arsenal on you, just go all sweet and sensitive and logical. Believe that the truth shall prevail, that good people will see what the Republicans are up to. As they smear you, your family, your religious beliefs—cower, back down, go on the defensive.
If they say you should quit your church, quit your church! If they explode over your speaking the truth about the anger and despair of the white working class, take it all back! Heck, if they don’t like your new I’m-running-for-president logo, denounce it, apologize for it, and fire the person who designed it.
But don’t stop there. Be ready to jump and change
at a moment’s notice. If they tell you to pull your kids out of
that school
, do it. If they tell you to change your toothpaste, don’t question it. And if they ask you to stand on your head and do the hokey-pokey, snap to it and do it with a smile on your face and don’t forget to apologize for not doing the hokey-pokey earlier, you meant no disrespect and please don’t take it as any
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