Mine: A Stepbrother Romance: (With bonus novel Bossy!)

Mine: A Stepbrother Romance: (With bonus novel Bossy!) by Kim Linwood

Book: Mine: A Stepbrother Romance: (With bonus novel Bossy!) by Kim Linwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Linwood
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seat. Underwires are not intended for use as aquatic sports bras. “Once I shower and get dry, I don’t think I want to see water again for a while.”
    Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Hunter watching me. Has he figured out who I am? He called me Sarah, but if he knew, I’m sure he’d say something. Have me arrested. Kick me off the show. Something.
    Instead, I think he’s trying to use x-ray vision to see through the top of my dress.
    I let out a tense breath. The simplest explanation is probably the correct one. It’s cold in here, and he’s a perv. I pull up my blanket and he turns away.
    Amanda chews her lip. “Um... Listen. I know in the next few weeks, this show will probably make us do and say all sorts of crazy things, but I wanna say that no matter what, thank you.”
    “We were all in it together.” Hunter reaches forward and gives her shoulder a squeeze.
    “No.” She shakes her head. “Without you two, things could’ve gone much worse. Y’all knew what to do, and kept me from losing it out there. I won’t forget that.”
    Something about her words makes me feel like she’s saying more than she is. Does she know something about the show that I don’t?  I smile and nod, letting it drop. There is definitely more to Amanda than giggles and charm, but I genuinely like her. Being suspicious makes me feel guilty.
    The rotors slow down until they’re nearly stopped, their sound transforming from a high pitched whine down to a slow swoosh. Hunter and the other man get up, opening the door and helping us out.
    My knees sway when my feet land on solid ground. I haven’t stood on something steady for hours, and by now it feels like a novelty. Ground, sweet solid ground.
    The weather has always been a bit unpredictable around here, but now the rain has passed, and the sun is out again, warming my skin and turning my hair into a salt-encrusted mess.
    Which is of course exactly what the cameras catch as we stagger out. Apparently word has gotten around about who the pilot was. All I want to do is find my room and lie down, but the other contestants mob us, shrieking and clapping. Well, they mob Hunter, anyway, effectively pushing Amanda and me away from him. We could’ve drowned, and I don’t think they would’ve noticed.
    It makes me angry how they crowd around him. It’s not like any of them know him like I do. I want to throw myself back in and push them away, but I stand back and watch him smile and flirt like a returning hero. You’d think I was jealous or something.
    Which I’m totally not.
    Finally the crew steps in, forcing the girls back so Hunter has some room to breathe. Blaze throws his arms wide, and walks over.
    Hunter pushes past me, gunning right for him. “What the fuck happened? Our boat was a fucking leaky sponge, and you stranded us out there!”
    Blaze holds up his hands as he stops and backs up a step. His eyes dart nervously back and forth between the cameras. “Hey now! The rental service guaranteed the safety of all the kayaks, and it wasn’t my fault your girls were going for Olympic gold.”
    “I’m so sorry, Mr. Campbell. One of the other groups had a problem with their paddle, and we got a call warning us to put off the competition because of incoming weather.” Blaze’s assistant steps in front of his boss, doing his best to mollify a furious Hunter. “They did try to get your attention, I swear, but you didn’t seem to notice. At that point we notified the estate, and the backup pilot flew us over.”
    Hunter doesn’t take his eyes off Blaze, but his stance relaxes a little as the assistant babbles on. He smiles, but only an idiot would mistake it for a friendly expression. An idiot like Blaze, who claps him on the arm, ready to move on and start filming. Hunter’s hand shoots out, grips Blaze by the wrist and twists, just a little. Tension and the potential for violence radiate between them. Nobody moves.
    “Are you aware of who’s financing this show?”

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