Missing in Death
Now, depending on the source, your victim is given credit, so to speak, for anywhere from fifty to two hundred and fifty deaths. Some were in the game, some were just in the way.”
    “You couldn’t find her.” Eve watched him as she ate. “You thought she killed three of your people, so you’d have tried.”
    “No, I couldn’t find her. She went under, considerably under. I thought she might be dead, having failed to secure what she was hired for.” He studied the wine in his glass. “Apparently I was wrong.”
    “Until now. It’s unlikely she was on that ferry to sightsee.”
    “Very. It might’ve been a meet or a target, but odds are it was business.”
    “Double cross. But someone like this, experienced, how does she get caught off guard and taken out? Someone she knew? Someone she trusted or underestimated maybe? Another spook? Another assassin?” She felt the frustration rising again, like flood water behind a dam. “Why so freaking public?”
    “I couldn’t begin to guess. Tell me what you think about this smudge, this flash of light.”
    She blew out a breath. “I left a message for Mira, asking her about the possibility of mass hypnosis. And that sounds crazy when I hear myself say it out loud. Not as crazy as vortexes or invisibility cloaks, but in that mix of nuts. Still, we’ve dealt with mind manipulation before. The tiny burn in the cortex found in autopsy after suicides, manipulated by your pal Reeanna Ott.”
    “Hardly my pal, as it turned out.” But he nodded to show they were on the same page. “Manipulation, in that case, done through audio.”
    “So, a possible manipulation done optically,” Eve finished. “One that affects memory. But it has to do more. I can almost swallow people wouldn’t remember seeing someone haul out a dead body, but I have to figure they wouldn’t just let him by in the first place. And Carolee, whether she was conscious or unconscious, her kid wouldn’t have just stood where he was, would he, if he saw her come out? So, maybe we’re dealing with a device that can manipulate behavior, or sight, and memory? That’s a big jump. Mass hypnosis suddenly doesn’t sound so crazy.”
    “There have been rumors, underground and through the tech world, of a device in development. A kind of stunner.”
    “Ah. Got one of those.” Eve tapped the weapon at her side she’d yet to take off.
    “Not your conventional stunner, but one that renders the target incapacitated through an optical signal rather than the nervous system. It sends a signal, through light, that shuts down certain basic functions. Essentially, in a theory not that far from your mass hypnosis, it puts the target into a kind of trance. Hocus Pocus.” He lifted his wineglass in half salute. “It’s often referred to as that, which made me think of it when you used the term. The rumors are largely dismissed, but not entirely.”
    “We’re talking dozens of people,” Eve argued. “Potentially hundreds.”
    “And the idea this device exists, and has a possibility for that sort of range, is . . . fascinating. And used as a weapon? Devastating.”
    Eve pushed up from the table to pace. “I hate this kind of shit. Why can’t it just be regular bad guy crap? You’ve got money, I want it, I kill you. You’ve been screwing my wife, it pisses me off, I cut out your heart. No, I’ve got to worry about disappearing bodies and weapons designed to turn the lights out on masses of people. Crap.”
    “It’s an ever-changing world,” Roarke said lightly.
    She snorted. “How much credence do you and your R and D people put into this device?”
    “Enough to be working on something similar—and a counter-device. Though both are still in the theoretical stages. I’m getting the data for you,” he added, gesturing toward the console.
    She sat again, drummed her fingers on the table. “Okay, say this device exists, and was used today. Say its existence speaks to why Buckley was on that ferry,

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