Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Page B

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
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watch Gabby from the library window.  She is exploring the grounds. Looking for what? I wonder. I had to pry her off of me again this morning. She may not realize it yet, but she does have feelings for me. I just need to prove it to her. I turn back around and all eyes in the room are on me. What do they expect from me? I can’t concentrate on anything but her. It’s driving me insane. Is this how it’s always going to be? How am I supposed to lead when all I want to do is follow her? I clear my throat and they go back to researching my predicament. What does this puzzle piece mean? I get back to my book.
    Unfortunately, the books are turning up nothing new. I am getting so frustrated. I need answers so I can help her understand. So she will quit fighting me. It is about time for a lunch break so I get up, fixing to walk to the door. I hear my name being hollered. “NEEKO, I’m going to kill you!”
    As she walks in, I can’t help but smile. What can she possibly be mad at me for now? “I’m glad I amuse you. How could you tell everybody to hide from me?! I have made a fool of myself not knowing anyone was watching me!”
    She doesn’t even let me explain. She just stomps out, leaving my help stunned into silence. No one has ever gotten away with talking to a Dressel that way. I just laugh. She is becoming brave and I like it.
    Everybody turns and stares at me, expecting that I’d have her punished or something. “Mind your work. Not my relationship,” I snap
    They quickly get back to work. I need to go smooth this over. I walk to the bedroom and ease the door open. I try to prepare myself for what I am walking into—crying, throwing things, maybe even her trying to leave – but nothing can prepare me for what I see.

Chapter 8: Bad Idea


    I stomp into the bedroom.  I glance around and let out a long breath. I feel like someone is watching me, but no one is in here. I see a flicker of something in the corner. I walk over and wave my hand into the corner, hitting something solid. “Hello?”
    Nigel appears. “Hey, baby.”
    “Gross, I’m not your baby. What are you doing in my room?”
    “This is Neeko’s room.”
    “It’s mine, too. What do you want?”
    He leans in and kisses me. What the hell? I slap him. “Don’t ever touch me again,” I growl.
    “No woman has ever talked to me the way you did in the kitchen. It turned me on. And the way you talk to my cousin...?” He leans in to kiss me again.
    I back up. “Don’t touch me, Nigel.”
    I was too busy to notice Neeko step in and, apparently, so was Nigel. “Come on, baby. You know you want me.”
    He flashes inches away from me. Oh hell, not this again. I reach down, grab his nuts, and twist. I don’t care if you’re an Immortal or not. You’re going to go down if a woman twists your nuts. He goes down to his knees, and I slap him in his face. “That’s for thinking you can touch. Why do men think they have the right to tell me what to do?” I slap him again. “And to kidnap me and keep me against my will?” I smack him again. “I am so sick of taking every hit you all throw at me. I’m done taking it lying down.” Smack! Smack! “Now get the fuck out before I decide to cut your nuts off!”
    Just then, Neeko clears his throat. I look up at him staring at me like I am a trapped animal and he doesn’t know what I am going to do.
    Nigel stands up, still clutching his boys, and turns to face Neeko. His face is the color of a ripe tomato. Calmly, Neeko looks at his cousin, but I can see the fury in his eyes. “I’ll deal with you later. Now get out.” Not wanting to walk by Neeko, Nigel flashes out.
    “Are you alright?”
    “Yeah. Would you like me to show you?” I glare at him. “Why do you men think that I am some wormy little girl that is going to do exactly what they say?”
    “I don’t. I never know what you’re going to do or say.” He walks up to me and rubs my face. His hands feel

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