Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1)

Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers

Book: Missing Pieces (The Pieces Series Book 1) by Tiffany Flowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Flowers
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walk down the hall. As I pass a library, I look inside. It is wall-to-wall books. As I am admiring the room, Neeko finally walks up. It took him long enough to compose himself. He looks at me and hangs his head. Smiling, I walk up to him and grab his head. Electricity shoots up my arm and down to my middle. Instant wetness. I close the distance between our bodies, resting my hand on his heart. I bring my lips to his and gently press a soft kiss to them. My other hand finds his hair. Grabbing a fist full, I deepen the kiss. My tongue meets his and we explore each other’s mouths. He moans and the vibration sends fireworks to my core. I pull away, leaving him wanting more. It serves him right. He always does it to me so why not him. I smile as he takes a deep breath.
    “Pay back. Quit attacking me one minute and leaving me the next.”
    He smiles a devilish smile. I giggle and run. When I reach the door, I feel a tingle and, for about a second, I am unable to move. Then, as I walk through the door, it feels like I stepped out from an invisible barrier. I look back at Neeko, who seems unconcerned. He steps up close to me. “What was that?”
    “That was my magic. I had us hidden because people live on this island. You stepped out of my range.”
    “Oh, ok. So stay close to you?”
    “Yes. Come. I want to show you something.”
    We walk out to the terrace. The sun is still rising, basking everything in beautiful oranges, reds, and yellows. I walk to the edge and peer over the railing. Gardens cover the hillside. It’s so gorgeous, and very romantic. Too bad this isn’t a fairy tale where everything ends in happily ever after. I feel his arms wrap around me and pull me close. We both stare at the sea, not saying a word. Our bodies are locked together as one, peacefully aware of the other. We stand like that for what seems like hours, just watching the sun rise.
    He places a kiss on top of my head. “We need to go. This place will be crawling with people any minute.”
    I turn around and place my hand in his. “Thank you for today. It was amazing. Ok, I’m ready.” He flashes us to our room.
    “I’ve got Immortal business to take care of. I will see you later.”
    He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and leaves.

Chapter 7: Hiding in Shadow


    I wake up in bed alone and missing Neeko. Maybe I am his mate. I am not ready to tell him that yet, but I know my feelings should not be this strong.  Derrick knocks and opens the door. He brings in a tray of food, places it on the bed, then runs to the door. He turns around to look at me. “I’m glad you’ve got bad aim or I’d still be getting soup out of my hair.” Derrick chuckles.
    He grins and walks out. If I didn’t have such strong feelings for Neeko, I would flirt back. I sit up and eat, then set the tray on the side table. I notice that a few of my outfits are sitting on the little sofa in the sitting area of the room. I pick out jogging pants and a tank top, then get dressed. I head down the stairs, straight for the front door. I need some sun and I want to explore the other buildings. I get to the door and begin to turn the knob. I wait for someone to stop me, but nobody says anything so I open the door and step out. The sun instantly warms me. As I notice the porch swing, I realize that I have pretty much given up on Neeko letting me go home so I figure I will be spending a lot of my time sitting in that swing.
    I walk out onto the grass. The feel of it on my bare feet is amazing. I couldn’t do this in the city. I walk to the backyard and find the buildings. I walk to the first and it is some kind of gym, about three times the size of school gym. The second one is a regular old barn. No animals, though. Weird. The third has a guard standing in front of it. I walk up to the door and try to open it. It’s locked.
    “You don’t have clearance, ma’am.”
    “What is this place?”
    “It is our armory, ma’am”

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