Missing: The Body of Evidence

Missing: The Body of Evidence by Declan Conner

Book: Missing: The Body of Evidence by Declan Conner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Declan Conner
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not bagging the
packaging when you found it and bringing him in for questioning at the time.
You should know you don’t need a warrant if you find something that could be
connected to a crime. The only reason I let it pass, was because it was a
tenuous connection, and if we obtain a search warrant, it enables us to do a
more in-depth search. But if we don’t get the warrant, you’ve got problems.’
    Nancy mulled over what he had said. She
knew he was right, but at the time it wasn’t as if she’d found a kilo of coke.
She knew better than to start making excuses.
    ‘So, I take it we can make a file on this.
Am I heading the investigation on this, only Kyle...’
    ‘Only Kyle what, took the interview? Just
because you saved my skin, don’t think you can go questioning my authority. If
you’d have taken the interview, maybe it would have jogged his memory and he
would have given you the same story on the coffee from your notes.’
    If a chasm had appeared under her for her
to climb down, she would have been eternally grateful.
    ‘Your hunch… your case. Now go and find out
all you can about the professor while we wait for the search warrant.’
    My first case? Yes! The elation quickly subsided as the realization of what that meant
took hold. Damn it, now I have to come through with the goods.
    Logan tapped his knuckles on the desk.
    ‘Well, snap to it, what are you waiting
for… Detective?’

Chapter 12
an hour had passed and Nancy was getting nowhere trying to find out any
background on the professor. Her extension rang and she answered. Claire in
reception was on the line.
    ‘There’s a woman in reception with some
information on the fire at the professor’s apartment.’
    ‘On my way.’
    Nancy ended the call and almost tripped on
her chair legs, in her excitement to get to reception.
    ‘Nice one with the T-shirt,’ she said. ‘Where’s
the woman?’
    Claire opened a drawer of her desk and
slapped an extra-large department T-shirt on the desk. They shared a high-five.
    ‘Couldn’t resist having a dig at Logan,’
said Claire, ‘the woman’s waiting in interview-room two, Mary Goodyear.’
    Nancy entered the interview room. A woman
in her late forties sat at the desk. Her auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail
and she was smartly dressed, with a tweed skirt and white blouse. The
half-rimmed glasses she was wearing gave her the look of a schoolteacher.
    Nancy introduced herself and sat opposite
the woman.
    ‘I’m here to make a statement.’
    ‘Yes, I want to tell you the details of the
fire I saw on the news.’
    ‘Let’s talk about what you know first and
then we can write up a statement.’
    ‘No. Write out a statement as I go along
and give me a copy.’
    Nancy changed her mind about the woman. Her
manner was more like Nancy’s old headmistress than a teacher and probably a
crank, but she thought it best to humour her.
    She took down her details on the statement
    ‘Right, in your own words.’
    ‘Just so you know; I’m a psychic medium. I
listened to the news report on television and immediately had a vision of the
    Nancy baulked at the revelation. She
thought her first instinct had proven correct and she was a crank. Goodyear
continued with her statement.
    ‘It was thundering and lightning outside
the apartment. I saw the back of a man’s head as he sat in an armchair and he
was resting a glass of wine on the arm of the chair. Ball lightning flashed
through the window of the apartment and struck his body. That’s all I can tell
    ‘Can you describe the room?’
    The woman described the furnishings of the
room in detail. Nancy placed her pen on the desk and sat back. She was
staggered; the description was the same as what she had seen in the apartment.
    ‘Have you ever helped the police before?’
    ‘Just the once, many years ago, I helped
solve a murder case. You can check with Sergeant Holloway at New York Police
Department. It

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