Mistaken Identity (Saved By Desire 3)
seemed to originate from her very soul. It left a blazing trail of desire behind that demanded nothing less than complete and total satisfaction. 
    “Well, I am not sure. The room isn’t ready, you see?” Jessica said doubtfully, unsure if it was wise to let this man into the house.
    In a few short moments, he had stolen her senses.
    What would he be capable of if he stayed for a week? What else would he help himself to if he became a resident? Jess closed that thought out.
    “I don’t mind waiting until the room is ready,” Marcus assured her.
    “I am sure the tavern in the village would be able to provide you with accommodation for a few days,” Jessica announced helpfully.
    Inwardly, she was relieved that he wasn’t going to be stopping under her roof after all. It was so very difficult to think while he was around she wasn’t sure she could stand it.
    “They are already full,” Marcus countered, trying hard not to smile.
    Unless he was mistaken, she was trying to get rid of him. He held out a hand.
    “Marcus Cauldwell.” His eyes almost dared her to try to avoid having to touch him.
    Jess’ cheeks turned pink, but she took his hand. “Jessica Parkinson. This man here is my brother, Ben.”
    “Miss Parkinson. Ben,” Marcus murmured.
    To think that someone as beautiful as her would risk a future behind bars made him want to take her by the shoulders and shake some common sense into her. Still, if they were thieves he couldn’t allow his personal interest to get in the way.
    “I have nowhere else to stay,” he announced persuasively.
    When Jess still didn’t relent, he adopted his most hang-dog expression. Still, neither of them offered him the room but continued to trade cautious looks. Marcus knew it was time to fight dirty. Digging around in his pocket, he drew out a note temptingly and held it out. It was far more than he wanted to pay for any accommodation and considerably more than any room in this house was worth. But he held it out because he rather suspected that funds were short in this house.
    “I will only need the room for a short while, I am afraid, but I can pay well while I am here,” he urged when he still didn’t get the agreement he wanted.
    “If you don’t mind waiting while we prepare the room then you are welcome,” Ben began, ignoring Jess’ drawn breath. “We provide breakfast and an evening meal. However, you do need to tell us in the morning if you intend to dine here in the evening.”
    Before Marcus could reply, Ben snatched the money out of his hand. Marcus blinked at the speed with which the lad moved, but didn’t mention it. He had gotten what he wanted. 
    Marcus held his hand out and shook the man’s hand while surreptitiously studying the pocket of his jacket. The package was still there and, although it looked the same size as the box that had contained the Squire’s jewels, he needed to take a closer look to be definite. There were certainly enough telling looks passing between Ben and his sister to warn him that they had secrets. He just needed to get to the bottom of what those were before he made a decision whether he could take someone like Jessica to the magistrate.
    Jess sighed in dismay, but couldn’t come up with any reasonable objection to accommodating the man. As a result, she now had to move her belongings out of her room and move into the worst bedchamber in the house.
    It galled her to admit it, but they were in desperate need of all the money they could get their hands on at the moment. It would be foolish to turn down any opportunity to earn a bit extra. Besides, now that Ben had taken the note from the man, they had no choice but to provide Mr Cauldwell with what he had purchased.
    “If you would like have dinner tonight, it will be ready soon. The lodgers usually dine in the dining room at the front of the house. Your room should be ready for you by the time you have eaten,” Jess murmured.
    She was a little annoyed at Ben for having

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