Mistress to the Beast
me.” He uttered his words through clenched teeth as though he was having difficulty getting them out.
    His fingers inside of her had been nothing compared to the feeling of being so completely stuffed by a thick hard cock. Not giving her much time to adjust to the sheer www.samhainpublishing.com 45

    Eve Vaughn
    size of him, Hunter began to move, straining and pushing into her until it almost hurt, but it was the kind of sensation that hovered the line between pleasure and pain.
    Her mind screamed this wasn’t supposed to happen, but her body was in complete control. Lila gave over to the torrential heat consuming her. Grinding her hips, she met his cock as it plunged in and out of her. She gripped his dick with her pussy, tightening her muscles around him, causing Hunter to grunt incoherently.
    They moved liked two dancers in a choreographed piece, so in sync with one another. She held on to him as they bumped, thrust and meshed their bodies together until Lila wasn’t sure where Hunter began and she ended. This time when she reached her climax, it was more intense, raw and powerful. “Hunter!” The cry fled her lips before she could stop it.
    “That’s it, baby. Scream my name. Say it again.”
    “Hunter!” She yelled his name at the top of her lungs, making her throat burn.
    “Oh God, I’m coming.” Slamming into her one last time, he tensed before collapsing on top of her. He rested his sweat dampened forehead against her own as he gasped for breath.
    As she slowly regained control of her hormones, reality smacked her in the face.
    She’d just allowed this man to use her body. What was worse—she’d liked it, couldn’t get enough of what he’d done. Her shame was now complete.
    Placing her hands against the hard wall of her chest, she gave him a shove with what strength she still possessed. Once she’d dislodged him, she rolled to her side, scooting to the edge of the bed as far away from him as she could get. Blinking hard, she tried to fight off the tears, but when Hunter touched her back, she lost it.

    Mistress to the Beast
    Stuffing her knuckles into her mouth, she muffled her sobs. Once she began crying, she couldn’t stop. How could she have behaved like this? And how in the world would she be able to stop him from taking her again? Especially when she wanted him to?
    Hunter removed his hand.
    In her misery, she barely registered him rolling off the bed. It was only when a door slammed that she realized he’d left her alone.

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Chapter Six
    Pressing his hands against the shower wall, his arms holding him braced, Hunter stood under the scalding sting of the water’s spray. He must have been in here for at least a half an hour. At this rate, he’d be a shriveled prune. But no matter the length of time he remained in the stall, the rage, sadness, and guilt would not be abated. Never had an experience with a woman touched on so many different emotions.
    Holding and touching her had far surpassed the fantasy, but having her turn away from him at the end and cry as though her heart were breaking had been like a punch in the gut. Did he disgust her so much? Were his scars so hideous to her she couldn’t believe she’d stooped to letting him have his way with her?
    Hunter had been so sure Lila wanted him, too. Hell, he knew she did. The gasping moans, the way her body shook with just a stroke of his finger and the way her pussy had gotten so wonderfully wet couldn’t be faked by even the most skilled actress.
    Now that he knew what it could be like between them, one taste wasn’t enough. He had to have her again. The very sight of how his pale hands had splayed across her dark body sent blood racing to his cock, stiffening it to near pain. He’d been with black women before, but out of the couple he’d dated, one had lovely cafe au lait skin while the other was not

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