Mistress to the Beast
much darker than him. They didn’t have Lila’s rich cocoa hue. Not that they hadn’t been lovely. They were. But they weren’t Lila. Because there was such a huge contrast in their skin tones, Hunter never realized how something so simple could be an erotic turn on.
    She was the epitome of perfection from the blue-black nipples cresting the well-formed mounds of her breasts to that pretty pink pussy, wrapped so tightly around his cock. He’d almost come the second he’d entered her.
    For as long as he lived, Hunter would never forget how she’d made him feel. Being one with Lila had been like a dream, but then it had turned into a nightmare. His. At least 48

    Mistress to the Beast
    the other women he’d taken to his bed since the accident pretended to enjoy the aftermath. Not Lila. She’d broken down completely. It had angered him at first. She had no right to pretend she was some vestal virgin who’d been taken by force. She’d been far from it. Hadn’t he given her the opportunity to change her mind? Up until the very last minute, Hunter left her with the option to back out, but she hadn’t.
    Then, the shame had come. He wasn’t the one who’d put her up to this. She was here for her father and he knew it. That’s when the depression kicked in. While he’d fucked her, he could almost imagine she was there for him, not because he’d forced her hand.
    With a sigh of resignation, he turned the nozzles of the shower off. Standing under rapidly chilling water wasn’t going to change things. If he had any decency within him, he’d let her go home. But he couldn’t, at least not until he’d had his fill of her and Hunter had a feeling that wouldn’t be for a very long time.
    Once he was dried off, he threw on the terry cloth robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door. He put his hand on the knob, but caught his reflection through the steam in the mirror. Walking over to it, he wiped the mist away. Hunter flinched at the sight of his scars.
    Raising his hand, he touched them. It was no wonder Lila could barely look at him.
    He’d noticed it. There wasn’t much about her that had escaped his attention. His fingers grazed the patchwork of imperfections criss-crossing the side of his face. When would the pain and desolation end? When would it cease to hurt so much? Was this to be his eternal punishment for the way he once used and discarded the women in his life? He wasn’t crazy enough to believe any of them had cared about him beyond his wallet, so why him?
    The right side of his face in its untouched state mocked him, reminding Hunter of the man he used to be. With a frustrated grunt, he turned away, his anger renewed. Lila wouldn’t get out of their bargain by shedding a few tears. He wouldn’t allow them to sway his decision in keeping her here.
    Storming out of the bathroom with every intention of telling her so, the wind was knocked out of his sails when Hunter saw Lila lying in the same position she’d been in www.samhainpublishing.com 49

    Eve Vaughn
    when he’d left her. She was curled up into a tight ball, her even, steady breathing indicating she was sleeping.
    His gaze trailed down the curve of her back to her rear. He wanted to snuggle next to her, mold his body to hers, but didn’t dare. Walking to the other side of the bed, he knelt in front of her.
    Lila looked so vulnerable in this state, much younger than her twenty-seven years.
    Tear tracks stained her cheeks and again guilt briefly assailed him.
    Hunter brushed aside a stray lock of hair that had fallen across her forehead. He used his knuckles to graze the softness of her cheek. In her sleep, she murmured something he couldn’t quite make out before a small smile touched her full lips. Unable to help himself, he brushed their tempting fullness with his mouth.
    When she stirred, he pulled back. It was probably best if he took her back to her own room. Besides, if she stayed in here with him, there was

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