Model Soldier

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Book: Model Soldier by Cat Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cat Johnson
Tags: Romance
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Jai. “Mr. Devereaux. I’m Ryan Pettit. The captain sent me down to escort you.”
    Pettit watched as the guards replaced Jai’s camera equipment carefully back in the trunk as he explained, “We send a soldier down to meet any photographers and reporters and then after a routine inspection of the equipment, we sign them in under our care.”
    Emily breathed for what seemed like the first time since they’d pulled up to the gate. Jai sent her a look that said, I told you so , but she still had no intention of apologizing to him for being worried. The entire experience had been nerve-wracking and she would definitely yell at Katie at the earliest opportunity for not warning her about base procedure.
    After a short interaction with the guards that included a nod, some salutes, and very few words, Pettit turned to them. “We’re good to go. I can ride in the backseat and direct you where to drive.”
    Just having him in the car made Emily feel better. Kind of like they’d be less likely to shoot her if one of their own was seated behind her and in the line of fire. And Pettit’s smile and enthusiasm was infectious. Once out of view of the guardhouse, she began to relax.
    “The captain didn’t go into any detail except that you’re here for a photo shoot. So what are you here to photograph?” Pettit asked, sitting in the center of the back bench seat so he could both give Jai directions and talk to Emily.
    “It’s a new marketing campaign to establish stronger branding for the US Army to raise public awareness and increase recruitment,” Emily turned in her seat and recited verbatim the goals Katie had developed for the campaign.
    Pettit laughed. “Okay. Whatever you say… Turn right up here.”
    Jai nodded and did as he was told, driving at a snail’s pace, which also helped to calm Emily’s nerves after the hour and a half speed-of-light drive from the airport in Munich.
    “I don’t know much about marketing and stuff but branding means logos and slogans and things, right? But the Army already has all of that including great slogans like Be all that you can be and Army Strong . So are you going to change all that?”
    “No, just reinforce it and make it stronger,” Emily reassured him since he seemed very attached to the existing slogans.
    Pettit nodded. “How you going to do that? Make it stronger?”
    “By giving the Army a face the people can relate to.” Hawk’s face, Emily thought. “One soldier that will represent all of you.”
    “Really? Cool! So who…?” Pettit’s question was interrupted. “Oh, wait. I missed the turn. That’s okay. Turn left at this corner and then left again. It’s the first building, right there on the corner. You can just park at the curb.”
    As soon as the car stopped, Pettit jumped out and opened Emily’s door for her. Military guys were so polite. She got a tingle again in anticipation of meeting Hawk.
    “I’ll run in and tell the captain you’re here then come back out and help you unload your equipment. Captain has a room cleared for you to set up in and you can leave your stuff there overnight if you want, it’s secure.”
    And with that, Pettit was off and Emily had opportunity to consider just how sweet soldiers were…at least the one’s without guns who weren’t searching her.

    What the …?
    Hawk shoved aside the letters from home he’d been handed two days after they’d returned to Hohenfels from the training in the mountains. He’d flung the letters unopened on top of the blanket of his rack when he’d noticed the orders among them.
    Sitting down heavily now, he read again the “special assignment” he’d let Pretty Boy talk him into betting. When it hadn’t shown up immediately upon his return, Hawk had deluded himself into thinking this mystery assignment had been Dalton’s idea of a practical joke.
    No such luck.
    “No. No fucking way.” Even reading it again didn’t change the contents.
    “What’s up, Hawk?” Wally poked

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