Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2

Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 by Poppet[vampire]

Book: Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 by Poppet[vampire] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Poppet[vampire]
Tags: vampire
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temper out of the gates and she slams her fist in an uppercut motion. If I was a normal girl I'd be terrified, but I grew up with three brothers and an uncle the size of Mt Everest.
    Sidestepping with instinctive speed I use her movement to give her shoulder a blast of forward momentum, sending her smashing into the wall behind me because she can't keep her balance in those ridiculous heels.
    “Did you take science at school, Heather? You should have, you'd have learned that you should never put so much weight onto such tiny supports, the chance of it toppling over is highly probable. Gravity is a force not to be trifled with.”
    “Oi, there'll be no barnie in here! If ye want tae get rough take it outside!” yells across the room.
    Roddie's trying to hide his smirk when he shouts back over the heads of our audience, “Shut yer gob, Campbell! Ye shouldnae let the locals pick on a guest then! Thanks tae Heather here she thinks we're all alcoholic numpties!”
    “Because we are alcoholic numpties,” yells back from someone else.
    This causes a ripple of laughter and the band boys decide to smooth things over with a lively tune, distracting the bulk of the marauders with instant mayhem.
    Leaning down, I offer Heather my hand, “I'll help you up, but I'll knock you down again just as fast if you want to get tough with me. Pick on someone your own size, or go home and sleep it off.”
    “Stuff you!” she spits at me, spittle flying out with her rage.
    “Pride comes before a fall,” I smile down at her, standing straight again. “You'd do well to remember that.”
    Dismissing this horrific spectacle which threatens to mar my evening, I take the two steps back to where Doug and Roddie are staring at me with wide eyes.
    “Where'd you learn to move like that?” says Doug, in obvious shock.
    “Brothers,” I remind him, smiling, wishing I could just go home if even he's going to look at me like I'm a weirdo.
    “Oh yeah,” he says, snapping out of his vacant trance. He nods to Roddie, “She has three of them, including a twin.”
    Dissatisfied, Rod clamps my arm in a grip so tight it pinches the blood off, hauling me toward the door. “I'm no' buying it,” he whispers hoarsely in my ear, scattering the partygoers with his irate expression.
    He obviously has a reputation too, because no one wants to get caught between the charging bull and its exit.
    Before I can object I have Doug on my other side, both of them marching me into the darkness of the passage like they're throwing me out. I want to object, to defend myself and say I didn't start it, she did. I thought that was perfectly clear to everyone present.
    How is it that I'm the one who always lands in trouble?
    The sounds of the party recede as my escorts force me down the dim passage, out into the night air beyond the back door.
    The fog is so low now I can't see my surroundings.
    Roddie shoves me hard up against the back wall of the house, slamming both hands either side of my shoulders and lowering his head to glare at me.
    “Who are you?” he grunts in a threatening tone.
    Oh lord, Selene's going to have my head for this.

    Chapter 6
    “Get off, Rod!” snarls Doug, yanking the tall Scot away from me.
    Roderick rounds on his friend, his face set in a mixture of worry and ire, “She's got moves like Sgathach, Dougie! No one that slender is that strong. It isnae possible. If anyone knows it would be me, because fostering strength is what I live fer!”
    He points an accusing finger in my face while addressing Doug, “This lass isnae normal. She has the looks and strength of the goddess from the Isle of Skye, and ye said yersel' that she was just in the woods. Mebbe she's her ancestor? I want tae know more! I want answers!”
    I have to step in and shut this down, we've caused enough of a scene. “Rod, I train and work out with my brothers. You don't have to develop big muscles to be strong, you just have to know how to use someone's

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