Moment of Weakness (Embracing Moments Book 1)

Moment of Weakness (Embracing Moments Book 1) by Katie Fox

Book: Moment of Weakness (Embracing Moments Book 1) by Katie Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Fox
time with him. After signing up for the summer session of yoga, we stopped by the corner cafe and grabbed lunch. Theo ordered his usual tuna hoagie while I got my favorite club sandwich. Roman followed us in, but rather than joining us, he stood by the door. Sitting down at the table closest toward the window, I unwrapped my sandwich from its aluminum wrapper.
    “Everything okay between you two, Miss Julia?” Theo’s eyes flicked to Roman and then back to me. As much as Theo was like a father to me, I was just as much a daughter to him, and he liked to treat me as so. I knew what he was asking, and I was sure the conversation he had with Roman earlier was along the same lines as the one we were about to have. I glanced over at Roman. His eyes collided with mine for a moment, and I knew if I stared at them long enough I could get lost in their green depths.
    I forced myself to look back at Theo. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?”
    Theo smirked. “I may be getting old, Miss Julia, but I’m far from naive. If there is an issue, let me know and he’ll be replaced.”
    Judging by the look on Roman’s face, I was positive he could hear us. The muscle in his jaw twitched, and his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down from a forced swallow.
    I looked back at Theo. “Everything’s fine . . . really. The other day was my fault. Robby had just got me worked up, and unfortunately, Roman was on the receiving end of it.” Theo stared at me, his head tilted to the side. I knew that look. That was the look that was trying to determine if he should take my word for it. I sat up straighter in my seat and smiled, trying to seem more convincing. “I’m serious. Everything’s good. We’re good.” I took another bite of my sandwich.
    Theo wasn’t buying the lie I was trying to sell, but he didn’t push; he nodded and simply said, “Okay.”
    We spent the rest of our time talking about cars and what type of vehicle I had in mind. Since I knew little about cars, I was trusting Theo to find me the right one. He offered to take me the following day after my yoga session. My father wouldn’t be able to attend, but I knew the chances of that happening would be slim from the beginning.
    After lunch, we headed home. The car ride was quiet, and although it looked as though Roman was struggling to get something off his chest, he never said a word. Dinner that evening was spent alone. Theo had errands to run, and my father called to say he had a meeting that would keep him late. There was no reason to cook a full-sized meal, so I grabbed the first thing that looked edible in the fridge and heated it up. It was too early to go to bed, so instead I picked up my e-reader and walked to the terrace.
    The air was warm, but the gentle breeze that blew was refreshing. It made breathing easier, which was nice since being home felt so suffocating at times. Unable to focus on the book before me, I looked out at the terrace. The sun had set, and the little solar globe lights that lined the stone steps and the matching tiled pathway were brightly lit.
    It had been almost thirteen years since I last walked down that tiled pathway. It was the same pathway that led to the meadow, and every time I thought I had summoned enough courage to go down it, I couldn’t. The memories that lingered on in my head of the meadow would keep me rooted in place. Standing up from the swing, I walked down the steps and sat on the last one. I knew if I could just make it down the path, maybe I’d be able to let things go. Move on and accept the things I couldn’t change.
    I could do this. You can do this.
    Chanting the words in my head, I stood up and took a few steps. My eyes drifted around the property. Not a thing was out of place, and the only sound that could be heard was that of the chirping crickets. The light illuminating from the guesthouse caught my attention. It had been so long since someone stayed there. My father and Theo are the only family I have, so it’s not

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