Money Man's Fiancée Negotiation

Money Man's Fiancée Negotiation by Michelle Celmer

Book: Money Man's Fiancée Negotiation by Michelle Celmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Celmer
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    “Nothing so far.”
    She hung a fresh IV bag and tossed the empty one in the trash by the sink. “Dr. Nelson would like to see youup and moving around today. But only with assistance,” she added sternly.
    Melody wouldn’t dare try it alone. When she’d taken her shower earlier the nurse had to help her, and she had to shower sitting down. Her legs felt like limp spaghetti noodles and she was so dizzy she was having trouble staying upright.
    “We could take a few practice steps right now,” the nurse suggested, a not-so-subtle nudge, but Melody wasn’t quite ready to put her computer aside.
    “Could we maybe do it after lunch?” she asked.
    “All right, but don’t put it off too long. You need to rebuild your strength.”
    Melody knew that better than everyone else. And though walking might still be a challenge, she could feel herself improving by leaps and bounds. She gave most of the credit to Ash.
    He’d given her something to fight for.

    A fter the nurse left, Melody went back to the photo file on her computer and opened a few of herself and Ash. When she looked at herself, it was still a bit like looking at a stranger. It was her, but not exactly her.
    Her clothes were obviously expensive and quite form-fitting. The healthy eating must have paid off because she was very trim and fit—although now, after being in the coma, she looked a little gaunt. She seemed to like to show off her cleavage, which admittedly she had a fair amount of. She peeked under her hospital gown at her breasts and decided that she must own some pretty amazing push-up bras.
    In the photos her hair was always fixed in a sleek and chic style that she couldn’t help thinking must have taken ages in front of the bathroom mirror to perfect. So unlike the casual, wavy locks she was sporting now. Also, shewore a considerable amount of makeup and it was always flawlessly applied. She looked very well put together.
    Just the thought of the time it must have taken to get ready each morning left her feeling exhausted. Maybe, when she was up and around again, she would feel differently. Although she couldn’t help thinking she looked a bit… vain. But she was sure these photos represented only a small segment of her life. Who didn’t like to look good for pictures? And she couldn’t deny that she and Ash made one heck of a good-looking couple.
    How would he feel if she didn’t go back to being that perfectly put together woman? Would he be disappointed? Or did he love her for the woman inside?
    The latter, she hoped. If not, would he be here by her side while she healed?
    “Still at it?” the man in question said, and she looked up to find him standing at the foot of the bed. Ash was holding a newspaper in one hand and a brown paper sack in the other.
    “You’re back already?” she asked.
    “Already? I’ve been gone almost two hours.”
    “Has it really been that long?” She would have guessed twenty-five or thirty minutes.
    “I had to make a few calls to work, and I figured you wouldn’t mind the time alone. Which apparently you didn’t.” He nodded to her computer. “Any luck?”
    She closed the computer and shook her head, trying not to let it discourage her, or to dwell on it. “I’ve looked at pretty much all of it and I don’t recognize a thing.” She gestured to the bag he was holding. “What’s that?”
    “I stopped at the nurses’ station on my way out this morning, and they called the doctor, who said there’s no reason to have you on a restricted diet, so…” He pulleda white foam restaurant container from the bag. “Your burger and fries, madam.”
    The scent of the food wafted her way and her mouth instantly started to water. Now she knew why she was marrying Ash. He was clearly the sweetest man in the world.
    “You’re wonderful!” she said as he set it on her tray. “I can see why I fell in love with you.”
    He gave her another one of those funny looks, as though the sentiment

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