More to Us

More to Us by Allie Everhart

Book: More to Us by Allie Everhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allie Everhart
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    This isn't just an idea he's tossing out there. He wants me to do it. He keeps hinting for me to get more involved in the company, but so far I haven't agreed to it. Although he hasn't come out and said it, I know he wants me to spend less time on my music. He's always supported my decision to be in the band, but he sees it as a hobby. In his mind, construction should always come first and the band second. But I'm not sure I see it that way. Right now, construction pays my bills and I don't mind doing it, but I'd like to at least try to make our band be something more than just a hobby.
    He yawns and gets up from the chair. "I need to get to bed. I have to be up at five."
    "That's only a few hours sleep. You need more than that."
    "I could say the same about you." He smiles as he gets up from his chair. "Goodnight."
    For the most part, my dad and I get along well, which is why I don't mind living here. But he does have rules, like no bringing girls home for the night. That's one reason why I need to move out. A big reason.
    I go to bed and a few hours later I hear my dad getting up for work. I go back to sleep because I have the morning off. I'm working for Nash this week but he called last night and said I didn't need to be there until noon. Something about the supplies we needed not being delivered on time.
    At ten, I head to the gym. I go to one across town because I know the owner and he gives me a deal. I like that it's a local gym and not one of the big chains. I also like that it's not a meat market. You don't see girls wearing skimpy outfits parading themselves in front of guys. The people who go here are serious about working out. It's not fancy. It's no frills. It has the equipment I need and it's never too crowded. It's basically the perfect gym for me, which is why it's worth the drive.
    "Hey, Austin," Mike says as I pick up my water bottle. He comes over to me at the weight bench. I just finished working my arms and chest. My muscles ache but in a good way, a way that proves I've worked my body to fatigue.
    "Hey," I say. "You're late today."
    Mike is one of the trainers here. He usually lifts weights before work, around six or six-thirty. We got to be friends when I was in high school and used to do early morning workouts. Now I have to fit in workouts around my construction job and gigs with the band.
    "One of my clients had to meet early," he says, "so I moved my schedule around." He walks over to me. "You ever thought about being a trainer? We're looking for someone to hire."
    "I can't." I grab a towel from the stack by the water cooler. "Between the band and my job, I barely have time to sleep."
    "You get commission on each client and you wouldn't have to take on a lot of clients to start."
    "I'll give it some thought," I say, but I'm not really interested. I like working out, but I don't want to train someone else. Being a trainer isn't easy. I've seen Mike training some of the guys here. They always think they know more than him so don't follow his instructions and then get mad when they don't see results.
    "It's a good way to meet girls." Mike smiles at me as he grabs a towel. "But I guess you don't need any help in that area."
    He glances at a girl on the treadmill who's smiling at me. She's here a lot and we've talked a few times but I have no interest in going out with her. She's one of those girls who's all muscle, no curves, and she's way too thin. She doesn't even look healthy.
    Mike takes off for the free weights while I fill my water bottle at the cooler. Throughout the week, I alternate working my upper and lower body. Today was upper body, so I'm done and heading to work soon. As I'm drinking my water, my eyes catch a flash of orange shorts as a girl darts around one of the weight machines to adjust it. She's bent over so I can't see her, except for her legs, which are tan and shapely and solid muscle. She stands up, her back to me, and moves her neck side to side. She's

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