Most Eligible Spy
man could have started out in the gangs then risen in the ranks.” The gangs were connected to the smuggling, the smuggling was connected to Dylan Rogers, and Dylan Rogers was connected to whoever the third man was that controlled illegal activity in this specific area. The very man they needed. Even if he didn’t know the Coyote’s true identity, he would know how to get in touch with him.
    Mo thought about that for another minute before his thoughts switched to something else. “Did you go by the Rogers Ranch on your way in?”
    “Yeah,” Shep said. “Just the red pickup in the driveway.”
    “Had a police cruiser out last night. The sheriff from Pebble Creek. Forgot to tell you,” Ray added.
    Kenny Davis, Mo recalled. He pushed to his feet. “What time?”
    “Around eight.”
    He didn’t like it. Molly hadn’t called for help. They monitored the emergency services channels. “Wonder what he wanted.”
    Jamie shrugged. “Maybe he’s investigating her brother’s dealings, too.”
    Mo frowned. “It’s not his jurisdiction.”
    Keith was watching him closely. “You seem very interested in this woman.”
    Mo put on his best poker face. “She’s closely tied to the smuggling. Her brother played an integral part.”
    “So you think she’s involved?”
    “No,” he admitted after a long second.
    Ray raised an eyebrow and grinned. “She’s pretty. Fine curves.”
    Mo shot the big Viking a look. “She’s got a kid.”
    “Keep your dirty eyes off her.”
    Ray laughed out loud. “It’s like that, huh?”
    Now Jamie, too, was grinning.
    “It’s not like anything.” He just didn’t want any harm to come to her or Logan. The idea of those two in danger because of her idiot brother bothered him.
    “Hey,” Ray said to Jamie. “If Molly Rogers and Mo hooked up, would their celebrity nickname be Mo-Mo?”
    Jamie gave a bark of a laugh. “How about just Moo?”
    Mo stepped forward. “How about I knock your heads together?” he offered without heat. They ribbed each other all the time, pretty much part of the op. It allowed for letting off some steam.
    Ray lifted his hands in a defensive gesture. “Listen, we’re nothing if not supportive.”
    Jamie’s grin widened.
    Mo gave them a disgusted look, made sure he had his gun and his wallet, and headed for the door. “I’m heading into Hullett. Want to look at Dylan Rogers’s apartment again.” Wanted to talk to the Hullett sheriff about that, too. Why the place hadn’t been released to Molly yet. Maybe the sheriff had found something he wasn’t sharing.
    He was at his car when his cell phone rang. Keith, the youngest guy on the team, was calling in. He’d been gathering intelligence on the other side of the border. The gun, drug and human smuggling in the area all seemed to be connected.
    “Picking up bits and pieces of clues here and there. Not nearly enough.” Frustration laced Keith’s voice. “The human trafficking was set up for Hullett, with the help of the wire mill. But so far everything I have says the drugs are coming through Pebble Creek and distributed from there. I think different crews are running those two businesses.”
    “Makes sense. If one is busted, the other is still running. Probably a third crew runs the guns. Anyone mention the name Coyote?”
    “No. Who is he?”
    “Might be the big boss on that side.”
    “I’ll see what I can find out.”
    They talked for another minute before hanging up. Mo drove by the Rogers ranch on his way to town. Nothing suspicious out there. The driveway stood empty.
    Since it was nearly four o’clock by the time he reached Hullett and he hadn’t had lunch yet, he drove down Main Street, considering popping into the diner and grabbing a quick meal. But as he parked, he spotted Molly going into Gordie’s across the street.
    Wearing a pretty blue summer dress.
    Two young guys turned after her, checking her out, but she was oblivious to her admirers, just smoothed her dress

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