Mountain Charm

Mountain Charm by Sydney Logan

Book: Mountain Charm by Sydney Logan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Logan
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exhausted. The hour drive back to Maple Ridge was normally a quiet one, so Angelina was a little surprised when her mom started talking again.
    “I’ve invited Dylan to dinner tonight.”
    This wasn’t exactly breaking news. Dylan had been a guest at their table almost every night since he’d arrived in Maple Ridge. Never had she seen her mother so willing to talk to a stranger.
    “He’ll have some questions for me. Maddie told him about Billy Ross’s wrist.”
    Celia grinned. “I bet that particular story has made Dylan even more curious about you.”
    “I’m sure. He also met Adam McDonald yesterday.”
    Celia tilted her head toward her daughter. “I thought he was living in Asheville now.”
    “I think he’s back for the festival. Tourists have started to trickle into town. It should be a good weekend for the shop.”
    Angelina could feel her mother’s eyes on her as she continued to drive.
    “Did he upset you, Angelina?”
    She shook her head, and the remaining drive home was a quiet one. They never talked about Adam, but Angelina wasn’t one to keep secrets from her mother. Besides, Dylan was sure to mention him tonight, and she didn’t want her mom blindsided by the news that her ex-boyfriend had made an appearance.
    It was nearly dark by the time they made it back to Maple Ridge. As they pulled into the driveway, Angelina wasn’t at all surprised to find Dylan’s vehicle parked in her spot.
    “You gave him a key?”
    Angelina shook her head, and her mom laughed.
    “What’s so funny?
    “You’ll see,” Celia said, smiling happily.
    Angelina groaned and stepped out of the car. While she was thankful the cancer and chemo hadn’t affected her mother’s visions, it wasn’t much fun being kept in the dark.
    As soon as they stepped inside the house, the undeniable aroma of garlic filled the air. A grinning Celia took her daughter by the arm and pulled her toward the kitchen, and that was where they found Dylan. He was standing next to the table, whistling and buttering garlic bread.
    Angelina gasped, and his head shot up in surprise. He smiled sheepishly at the two of them before turning toward the stove. As he placed the bread inside the oven, Angelina spotted her mom’s pink apron tied around his waist.
    It was the funniest thing she’d ever seen.
    And quite possibly the sweetest.

    “Celia didn’t eat much tonight.”
    It was almost midnight, and Dylan and Angelina were sitting on the front porch. He was in one of the rocking chairs while she sat on the step with her back pressed uncomfortably against a beam. Cash’s head rested in her lap, and Angelina trailed her fingers through his fur while he snored.
    “The treatments really wipe her out. I was surprised she ate anything at all.”
    “What kind of cancer?”
    He nodded. “Did she have surgery?”
    “Yeah, a single mastectomy. The oncologist ordered the chemo just as a precaution. We go back in a few weeks for more blood work.”
    “What happens then?”
    Bitterness stuck in her throat, making it impossible to answer him. Cash sensed her sadness and snuggled closer, and she rapidly slid her fingers through his coat.
    “Angelina, I’m sorry.”
    She blinked back her tears as Dylan rose from the rocker and joined her on the step. Very gently, he took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze.
    “Aren’t treatments expensive?”
    Angelina nodded. “Dad’s life insurance policy helps pay most of her medical expenses. We’re very lucky.”
    For a few minutes, the only sounds they could hear were an owl in the distance and Cash’s soft snores. When Dylan finally spoke, his voice was just a whisper.
    “I read about your ancestors and their gifts. Did you really heal that boy’s wrist? Just by touching him?”
    Angelina nodded.
    Dylan gazed at her hand as if it were some kind of science experiment. His face flickered with so many conflicting emotions.
    Indecision. Disbelief. Wonder.

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