Mountain Devil
turned white. He was lost in a sea of pleasure, barely aware of the world surrounding them. There was only Ella and his consuming desire for her. A light sheen of sweat covered both of their bodies, and Ed’s heart pounded in his head as his rhythm increased. God, he was like a beast, functioning on some primitive, animalistic instinct he’d never known he possessed.
    It was a morning unlike any other.

    * * *

    Ella stared out the bay window of Ed’s living room as the sun rose up over the tree line, a hot cup of coffee between her hands. Two glorious days had passed since her time with Ed under the weeping willow tree by the lake. She refused to think about the future right now, refused to think about what would happen on day seven. Instead, she planned to focus on the here and now with Ed. Whatever happened in the days to come, at least she’d have these memories of Ed Peters to hold onto.
    The whole situation was mindboggling, Ella realized with a light smile. She’d run away from Brandon only to fall straight into the arms of a stranger who incited more passion in her than she believed humanly possible. She loved everything about Ed, his rustic voice, his piercing blue eyes, his musky scent, his kindness, his firm discipline. He was the flame, and she was the starved moth who’d spent years in total darkness.
    “Penny for your thoughts?” The deep voice interrupted her musings.
    Ella turned as Ed strode in from the hallway, his presence filling the room as it always did. He was already dressed in jeans and a form-fitting blue T-shirt, his biceps bulging under the sleeves. It was hard not to stare.
    “Good morning, Ed,” she purred, moving forward to place a kiss on his cheek. “Can I make you breakfast?”

    He snorted, but his eyes twinkled with laughter.
    “Are you telling me you know how to cook, but not how to use a dishwasher?”
    Ella narrowed her eyebrows, but it was hard to be mad at Ed. He did have a point. And really, there wasn’t much in the kitchen she could do. Suddenly, she realized she would have to learn if she wasn’t going to marry someone as rich and pampered as Brandon. Maybe there would be no future with Ed, but if there was even the slightest chance…
    “I’ve already got some eggs going,” Ed said, wrapping an arm around her waist to guide her toward the kitchen.
    Breakfast took over an hour, because neither Ed nor Ella would stay quiet for more than two seconds.
    She realized with a pang of sadness that talking with Brandon had never been so effortless, or enjoyable. Ed seemed to value her thoughts and ideals, and he never once interrupted or berated her for anything she said. They talked about politics, science, travel, movies, animals, friends and family members, and everything in between.
    The remainder of the day was spent much like the others. After breakfast, they took a long walk through the forest and around the lake. Ed reluctantly permitted Ella to make them sandwiches for lunch. To her delight, he ate the whole thing and claimed it was the best turkey sandwich he’d ever tasted. She suspected he was fibbing, but she wasn’t about turn down such a nice compliment.

    When a thunderstorm rolled in shortly after lunch, they decided to spend the afternoon in the bedroom. As if they needed an excuse! Ed was very much in charge in that department, dominant to the bone. He enjoyed spanking Ella until she squirmed and taking her frantically from behind. Other times, he captured her wrists above her head in one hand and lightly slapped her breasts before raising her hips to claim her roughly.
    Ella loved it. Sex with Brandon had always felt like a chore, something she did to keep his insults at bay. But she wanted to have sex with Ed, and she would burn up if he went too long without touching her. She craved his touch, both gentle and rough. All it took was a certain look from Ed to turn her legs to jelly and her set her desires aflame.
    In the evening, they sat on the front

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