Mr. Arrogant: A Billionaire Romance

Mr. Arrogant: A Billionaire Romance by Alexis Gold

Book: Mr. Arrogant: A Billionaire Romance by Alexis Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexis Gold
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had tried not to think about it, but his thoughts had strayed more than once to the swell of her lips, the curves of her body, the scent on her skin that intoxicated him with breathless intrigue when she was close to him, but he wasn’t about to admit it to his father.
    “No. There hasn’t been anything between us at all. Nothing whatsoever, and there is less than no chance that it will happen, so please let that go.” Jonathon had begun to realize that there was nothing he was going to be able to say or do that was going to turn Naomi’s head, not that he wanted to, but it had begun to bother him tremendously that she was absolutely unaffected by him in any way. It was an anomaly in his life that there could be a woman who did not want him like she didn’t. He had never had it happen before and it was utterly strange to him.
    His father looked at him humorously. “Is that so? Well, I just wanted to remind you of our previous discussion on the matter.”
    Jonathon sighed loudly in frustration and pushed himself up out of the chair in front of his father’s desk. “It’s not going to happen, okay? She doesn’t like me, so even if I did want it to happen, which I don’t, it still wouldn’t happen anyway! She is an amazing worker; she is extremely punctual, she’s tidy, she’s detail oriented… she’s responsible and smart and she actually has a good sense of humor… with other people. Everyone else in the office just seems to love her and get along with her really well.” He said with a hint of dejection.
    Phillip watched him quietly as his son paced around the room, shoving his hands down into the depths of his pockets. He rubbed his finger over his chin and said nothing; letting his son do all of the talking.
    “She is actually a really great woman. I’m quite impressed with her. She’s just… got a wall up with me,” he finished in a low tone.
    His father grinned and chuckled slightly, shaking his head. “Well, well. I’m so glad to hear it.”
    Jonathon frowned at his father. “Why are you glad?” he asked in frustration.
    Phillip stood up and began to walk toward the door in his office. “Because that’s exactly the relationship you should have with her. That’s a professional relationship and an appropriate one. You’ve finally gotten it right, and gotten the right woman helping you make your business work. You’re on your way and I’m so glad to hear it.”
    He reached for the door handle and opened the door, looking expectantly at Jonathon. His son sighed and looked away from him for a moment and then taking a deep breath, walked through the door and out of it, paying no attention to his father at all.
    It might be the best thing, at least according to his father, and it was true that he was getting more work done in the office, but he was constantly thinking about her, and that part of their business relationship was driving him crazy. It was the thoughts of her that crept into his mind at unwanted moments that was pushing him to distraction.
    Every time he found himself with any kind of an idle moment, she was there in his mind. When he was busy and trying to focus on any number of things, thoughts of her were there, when he was trying to fall asleep at night, when he awoke in the morning, when he tried his best to push thoughts of her out of his mind and ignore her, she was there, and it seemed like there was truly nothing that he could do to keep her out. She had gotten under his skin, and nothing he did was getting rid of her. She didn’t like him, and it seemed like no matter what he did, she was never going to like him, and that bothered him more than anything else. That was what had driven her under his skin and into his mind.

    Naomi had found a semi-workable way to be around Jonathon, but it was becoming a little more difficult almost every day. She had stuck to her guns about not giving him any respect that he didn’t earn, and she had

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